Get out of here bro, you have an average KD and you play on X Box which has guys like Nerd.. Furthermore, you final round. Jealous hater
Mmmm the tears on some of the replies on these comments tast so good mmm
Pretty much all fps ballets are xbox. That's a given.. Sony Destiny players def play against kids and hipsters moreso than xbox. Doesn't matter to me ... Wish the scrubs played xbox more !
link your account before you try talking shít you moron
It is linked ass hat.. Cuzzybubba1
"This account has not played Destiny" what are you trying to hide? and what are you talking about I don't have any high impact final round snipers
Bro go to Destiny Tracker I have no clue why your not seeing my stats..
you've got pretty similar stats to me damn I don't even wanna try to talk shít anymore ahaha
Just show a little love to us PS guys, we tear it up also. No hard feeling bro, take it easy.
Dont back down keep up the good fight! :o
There is no fight, only the truth. There are talented players on both sides, any other thought is ego based.