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7/8/2015 5:58:23 PM


Along with the special gifts that year 1 veterans get when TTK drops (shader, sparrow, emblem...) I think we should get a transmogrification potion. We have been stuck with the looks we gave our guardians since we first entered Old Russia. I know so many people who hated how their guardian looked so much that they deleted the character just so they could go back and redo their appearance. (Including my husband) When I first created my titan on the character creation screen she looked good but now that shes in the tower I put her helmet on to cover up my rotten idea. LOL I see that this is something that many people wish for on the forums and it has been added to the community wish list. I believe this is a way that Bungie can go about adding it to the game. I would be happy with the Guardian Outfitter selling the potion as well :) Thanks!

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