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7/8/2015 4:22:44 PM
You sir, or madam, obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Or, you are just one of those typical PvE fanboys who thinks shooting scripted AI is even comparable to having a gunfight with a weapon that can kill you before you know what has happened to you. It is people like you - who find ridiculous ways to get butthurt over other people - who give a bad name to PvE players (i.e. Unskilled botkillers). Now, seeing as how the majority of games that come out for all consoles are player vs environment as well as player verses player, are you saying that every single one of the people who play solely PvE , the ones who play on the hardest difficulties but are still relatively simple because there are usually walk through videos and ways to beat the level including cheesing, are even comparable to the player verses player arena that you have to face actual humans on a relatively even playing field who potentially have better weapons, smarter and stronger than you? Because that is the most idiotic thing I've read today. New flash buddy, fighting in the same arenas over and over again, playing against people who might be better than you, forced to adapt to a given situation, going against OP weapons, lagswitchers, final round snipers, blink shot gunners, camping snipers, supers, learning tactics that are forcibly practiced and repeated constantly does take skill, yes. But, it is something that is learned and you must master before you can become good at it and have a counter action for every tactic that might come your way and hope the enemy team doesn't find another counter. It is fun, it is challenging, and it [i]kinda does[/i] make you better than someone shooting bots all day. It's just something you are good at that other people can't master because they shoot thralls all day and don't push themselves to become good at something. Please try to refrain from your lesser instincts to argue something that is obviously a losing battle.

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  • But who's c0ck is bigger?

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  • [quote]You sir, or madam, obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Or, you are just one of those typical PvE fanboys who thinks shooting scripted AI is even comparable to having a gunfight with a weapon that can kill you before you know what has happened to you. It is people like you - who find ridiculous ways to get butthurt over other people - who give a bad name to PvE players (i.e. Unskilled botkillers). Now, seeing as how the majority of games that come out for all consoles are player vs environment as well as player verses player, are you saying that every single one of the people who play solely PvE , the ones who play on the hardest difficulties but are still relatively simple because there are usually walk through videos and ways to beat the level including cheesing, are even comparable to the player verses player arena that you have to face actual humans on a relatively even playing field who potentially have better weapons, smarter and stronger than you? Because that is the most idiotic thing I've read today. New flash buddy, fighting in the same arenas over and over again, playing against people who might be better than you, forced to adapt to a given situation, going against OP weapons, lagswitchers, final round snipers, blink shot gunners, camping snipers, supers, learning tactics that are forcibly practiced and repeated constantly does take skill, yes. But, it is something that is learned and you must master before you can become good at it and have a counter action for every tactic that might come your way and hope the enemy team doesn't find another counter. It is fun, it is challenging, and it [i]kinda does[/i] make you better than someone shooting bots all day. It's just something you are good at that other people can't master because they shoot thralls all day and don't push themselves to become good at something. Please try to refrain from your lesser instincts to argue something that is obviously a losing battle.[/quote] I prefer to to like, enjoy real life, nature, genuine experience, thanks. Have fun chasing pixels and stuff, if that's what makes you happy. Just remember, at the end of the day, you've wasted another day of your life that you'll never get back. Oh, and aside from you, no one is impressed by your virtual prowess.

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  • Why are you attacking my personal life and skills? I mentioned neither in my comment. Not only did you take my comment out of context, but you purposefully made an attack on my personal life. Why would you do such a thing? Well the only logical reason is that you are upset over my comment. Well why are you upset? Well you mentioned my "virtual prowess" something that wasn't mentioned anywhere in my comment. In my one year of studying psychology, I can only assume that you are jealous of my "prowess", note that this is a complement you gave me, I didn't romanticize my skills to call them a prowess, you did. I am not offended or intimidated by your attacks sir. But I can only assume you are insecure about your own skills. Or you are fully aware they are sub par. That's probably why you made an attack on my social life. That's what people do when you can't attack their skills in the actual game. They don't keep it in the game, they assume that they have no life because they are good at a video game.

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  • Ha! "Relatively even"? How is crucible even? Black ops 2 was more even than this mess

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  • There are a lot of things that someone could tout as accomplishments that make them better than someone else. PvP skill in a video game isn't one of them. For all such things, but especially ridiculous ones like you are touting, the person is a douche and really insecure for needing to put themselves above others. Let your achievements speak for themselves and carry their own weight. Don't be a dick, a douche, an asshole, or a self aggrandizing idiot, but especially not about something completely meaningless and stupid.

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  • If you read very carefully...I said nothing about my individual skill or accomplishments. It was a comment about PvP vs. PvE.

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  • Really? You couldn't come up with an original response so you use mine? Lol that' I guess. I made good points so you just reversed them. Look, PvP isn't that hard. ESPECIALLY in Destiny where there is no variety. Everybody uses the same tactic, the same gun, the same play style. Some cheat to make it through it, some don't. The points you brought up are moot. Most games are difficult. That is why people post videos on how to get through it. They do the same for PvP if you hadn't noticed. Though you might be shooting a "bot" as you say in PvE, it's still something that can kill you very easily that you have to use your brain and resources to get around. You learn it just like you learn how other players work. I mean I haven't played the Crucible that long, but even I can predict the way people will behave. It's not hard. It's challenging, yes. But, like I said, it can be learned and adapted to. Go play Demon Souls or Dark Souls and tell me how easy it is. Make it through Borderlands on Ultimate Vault Hunter mode and tell me it didn't take any skill to do that. I wasn't trying to bash PvP players, I respect them for being able to put up with that frustration. I'm just asking you for the same respect. It isn't necessary to wage such wars.

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  • Edited by Shiloh Ivy: 7/9/2015 2:45:40 AM
    [quote]Look, PvP isn't that hard. ESPECIALLY in Destiny where there is no variety. Everybody uses the same tactic, the same gun, the same play style.[/quote] If Destiny's PvP wasn't hard, then why is most of the community running around with 0.92 KD's? Why is there such opposition to having the lighthouse as a requirement? Why have the people who've made it to the lighthouse been called "elite"? Certainly you can't be elite at something that is relatively easy for everyone. Newsflash: It's hard. Especially when a number of things can kill you before you know what hit you. [quote]They do the same for PvP if you hadn't noticed.[/quote] Referring to your response to my comment about walk throughs, the difference is that if I watch a walk through of Skolas, I know how to beat him at that point. If I watch one of TrueVangaurd's video's of how to snipe, I don't instantly know how to snipe. I have to practice. Get good at it. And then I'll be able to snipe like he does in the video. A sharp contrast to PvE, where a video can be followed frame by frame to achieve victory. [quote]Though you might be shooting a "bot" as you say in PvE, it's still something that can kill you very easily that you have to use your brain and resources to get around.[/quote] One acolyte can't kill you quickly. Two can't. Ten can't, given that you are on the same level as them, it wouldn't be anything to dispatch a small battalion of acolytes. You could effectively replace acolytes with any tier 1/2 enemy in PvE. Skolas. Skolas himself is arguably the hardest thing in the game in my experience. But why? It's because he can take 60+ shots of the game's strongest rocket launcher. It's because he summons a small army to help him. It's because he has a cannon that has infinite ammo. It's because he poisons you with an essence. It's because you have to diffuse the mines or you all die. All that is happening at once. Now to the takes all that going against three players at once to create a difficult PvE experience. Simply going into a control game, one of Destiny's main crucible modes, may prove difficult to do well. You see, companies have to make overpowered enemies to provide a challenge. But if you go to rumble, one guardian can kill you, without any poison, mines, or even help. [quote]You learn it just like you learn how other players work. I mean I haven't played the Crucible that long, but even I can predict the way people will behave.[/quote] And at the same time, he's predicting your next move. And possibly beating you to it. Does an acolyte do that? What about a thrall? A knight? Wizard? Vandal? Captain? Does Skolas himself...predict your next move in order to counter it? No they don't and that right there, makes PvP harder than PvE and it makes PvP require more skill. Our brains. If you see me rushing at you with a shotgun, you are going to back up and possible kill me. If I'm rushing a knight with a shotgun, he's going to shoot and probably miss because he was aiming at where I was and not where I will be by the time his boomer blast gets there. [quote]It's not hard. It's challenging, yes. But, like I said, it can be learned and adapted to.[/quote] No arguing there. There are a number of tactics you can use for just about every situation. But of course, it's all about execution. You have to realize what the other player is doing, then make a plan, then act upon it. You do the same in PvE but the difference is that in PvE you will probably only have to do it once and the enemy is dead. In PvP, the other player is quite capable of adapting to your tactic and out maneuvering you. Forcing you to either die or make another course of action. [quote]Go play Demon Souls or Dark Souls and tell me how easy it is. Make it through Borderlands on Ultimate Vault Hunter mode and tell me it didn't take any skill to do that.[/quote] I haven't played either of those games but I have played halo on the hardest difficulty (I forget it's name). I've played watch dogs on realistic mode. I've played all the batman games on hard as well as other games (I've been doing this for a long time). They all had a common theme though...patterns. All I had to do was recognize the pattern of the level. What the enemy had, what they were going to do, what weapons they were using, any environmental advantages I could utilize and I'd pass the level because PvE enemies don't break the pattern. In PvP, players have patterns, but are quite likely to break said pattern. You can't do the same thing everytime in PvP and it works. You'll die sometimes. [quote]I wasn't trying to bash PvP players, I respect them for being able to put up with that frustration. I'm just asking you for the same respect. It isn't necessary to wage such wars.[/quote] If I do remember correctly, you replied to my comment. You came to my land looking for a war. You cant expect me not to retaliate.

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  • Edited by iDare2Defy: 7/9/2015 8:43:18 PM
    TL; jk. No I did skip over some because it was a stretch for you to say. I don't know if you've played much of destiny outside of the Crucible, but one thrall or dreg can one hit you with lightswitch on. A knight can insta kill you after you shoot him with a shotgun. Hobgoblins can snipe you with insane accuracy because they are computers. They don't make human errors. If there were no restrictions on them, there would be no way of killing them. Of course they have to dumb down the AI so the game can actually be beatable. Because people are dumb to be frank. In comparison to artificial intelligence. Sure, flawless people consider themselves to be elitists. But they aren't the only ones. Lots of raiders think the same things about themselves. And maybe people run around with a 0.95 kd because they're like me and don't give a flip about kd. They're just there to have fun running around shooting other people. And no, you cannot just watch a video and automatically go and defeat a boss. Sure, you can learn tricks on how to do it. But it takes practice. Do you know how long it took to defeat Skolas, even knowing exactly how to do it? There's a reason they say it's harder than it looks. It all simplifies down to this: PvP takes a certain skill. PvE takes a certain skill. They're two totally different worlds. They shouldn't be lumped together. That's probably why they aren't. Some higher up thought of that. I'm sure that higher up didn't intend for wars to be waged between the two. They wanted to give people the option to play how they like to play. There was no "looking for war" from me. You purposefully tried to start one by your original comment (which was rudimentary btw). I will not idly sit by when people like you so flamboyantly trash talk other human beings. I played every Halo, Watch Dogs and many other games as well. You are not a special snowflake. Just because you are good at PvP doesn't give you the right to bash others for believing they are good at what they do because it is different. People that do that are what poison the internet.

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