I was thinking about this recently. There is a Murder of Crows, a Pod of Whales, a Parliament of Owls, a Pride of Lions; what would you call a grouping of Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks? And if you want to go deeper; Humans, Exo, and Awoken?
My suggestions are:
A [u]Grip[/u] of Titans.
A [u]Sheath[/u] of Hunters.
A [u]Rift[/u] of Warlocks.
A [u]Crowd[/u] of Humans. (Pretty well established on this one)
A [u]Court[/u] of Awoken. (Like a Royal Court)
A [u]Complex[/u] of Exo. [b]OR[/b] An [u]Array[/u] of Exo. (I couldn't decide which I liked better)
Your thoughts and suggestions?
I was thinking... A squad of Titans A pack of Hunters A cloister of Warlocks