All seriousness, the last few times I played on my Xbox, I was sitting on my traveling suitcase. As for the Laptop, I'm usually always sitting on a lazyboy with my legs gapped open so that air can flow into the vents easily. I've been having trouble with the laptop shutting off due to overheating.
Speaking of which, do any of you have any tips on that? Whenever I have it on a table, I stack up books to put it on top of so that air can flow beneath it but I'm still running into problems. It mostly happens when I'm running a higher-end game, like a Total War game or something like Dawn of War 2. Stuff like MOWAS 2 runs smoothly. Which makes sense. I looked around on the internet, albeit a mediocre 'look', and most of what I saw had me spending money on some peripheral shit.
I don't use a laptop for pc gaming but my pc has an overabundance of fans, so I suggest you get one of those usb fans or something.
Normally I wouldn't use a laptop for gaming but I'm in a situation where I kind of have little to no choice. I can hear the fans inside my laptop blowing when it starts to get hot but they don't do shit from what I can tell. I might just buy some more like you say.