What's the fastest way to level up a character to level 20? I just made a new hunter and already have tons of gear for him once he reaches level 20, but I'm impatient and want him up as soon as possible.
If u have armor core from other characters transfer and buy one from various every week and plus ethic light transfer that also and use it on the character
Edited by Joey 14: 7/6/2015 10:56:21 PMPlay stories until you unlock crucible. Play crucible until you are over-leveled to play stories at their max setting for top XP. Do all bounties every day. It should be less than 20 hours. Make sure you play the daily crucible gametype for bonus XP. Even though your Director screen won't show it, load up another character to see what it is.
Get friends to help you run it all on hard. They do the work you reap the benefits. Then run strikes. Shouldn't take much more than 6-8 hours.
Save blue engrams from other characters.
Red bull xp + 50% xp
Bounties and crucible and some of the story is how I did it most efficiently on my third character.
Make sure to do as many bounties as possible. And don't do any story missions on hard, it's not worth the xp for all the deaths and time it will waste
Do all the story missions and do all the bountys for the day and A LOT OF CRUCIBLE