I got the Shader and the emblem but for some reason it did not give me the ship? I had 6 open slots on the character I completed it on and have since beaten it multiple times with no ship drop ( I understand it only drops once even with multiple characters ) so where is my ship? Lol any word would be greatly appreciated.
I only got the shader on 1 of 3 characters, ship on 2 of 3, and emblem on 1 of 3... And sporadic too ( 1 toon didn't get all 3 rewards). I also made sure I had appropriate spaces available.
Bungie is aware of this issue and is actively investigating it. Regrettably, Bungie does not replace items that failed to be awarded, are lost, or dismantled. You'll have to try the activity again at another time. I am not a Bungie employee, but I do apologize for this inconvenience.