Lead Multiplayer Designer for Destiny and I had a little convo. He indicates that it's weapon power vs target defense.
[quote]A 34 can get kills with a rare weapon easily, but a level 25 will just tickle you with the same weapon.[/quote]
A 34 using a rare weapon is being severely capped at damage. You would most likely see little to no difference between the 34 and the 25 using the rare.
[quote]Try using a 365 Thorn as a 34 and then try it again as a 20.[/quote]
The Thorn does the same damage whether you are a 34 or a 20. As [i]explicitly [/i]confirmed in the linked conversation.
We are talking about level advantages enabled.
In Crucible yes, but not Iron Banner. Even at level 32, Thorns overall damage is decreased and does 6 ticks per damage to an enemy lvl 34 while a lvl 34 does Thorns full damage + 7 ticks per damage to anyone lvl 34 or not.
Thanks for the info, but I've tried this before and it's just not true. Unless they changed it in HoW