This has happened to me about ten times throughout the last week alone. Can you PLEASE make it so people don't get dropped in the middle of the match?! Typically on the LOSING team?! Twice now, JUST today, I've been eight to nine kills in on the ten kill streak medal from a prior match when I get dropped into the middle of a battle with no time to get my bearings and I'm taken out. I'd rather be in orbit five plus minutes waiting for a new match than be dropped in.
There HAS to be some way to fix this. One or two times, fine, stuff happens. I know it's just a game, love playing it, but this is seriously frustrating. /:P
What they should do is give players joining the losing team a bonus of some sort. It could be a buff called, An Angel has Fallen, which gives the player that has joined a losing team in a match a temporary recovery boost and a tiny damage buff. This buff goes away upon death or after a timer runs out.
The best way to stop this is if people stop leaving matches that aren't going well. Someone will win someone will lose, period. If you can't lose gracefully once in awhile, you shouldn't play. If you think about it, there is no reason to fix this function. Things will occasionally happen that cause players to leave games prematurely, so to keep the game from being unbalanced it makes sense to bring other players in even though the match is partially over. How much more would you complain if every time a started to go one-sided you wound up as a 3 v 6 or worse because half your team didn't want to fight anymore. How boring would it be from the winning point of view, you were already winning now its not even a fair fight. From the other side it'd be just plain depressing. How much more frustrating would it be, to be losing & then be outnumbered as well? Isn't that worse than winding up occasionally in a half over match?
Get over it, 10 "kills" (assists included) are not hard in IB, literally every day I've done the bounties I finish the 10000 exp one first, but in one game I got like 4 of the others done. Take a MG and go to town dude, find a nice alley to light up
If 6 V 6 match happens and 2 players get disconnected because of server, it is not fair to have a 6v4 match. Of course they will put players on the losing team. Stop being dumb, kid.
Welcome to multiplayer match making - it's the same on all games youngling.
If you're at 9 and die you don't deserve 10. You could literally get an assist and have the bounty
If 6 V 6 match happens and 2 players get disconnected because of server, it is not fair to have a 6v4 match. Of course they will put players on the losing team. Stop being dumb, kid.
if no one joined lobbies with empty players, then the first time that a player leaves a team, the other five would leave and no one wins. ive won many games that ive joined late or had backup join.
I just leave matches I'm thrown into
Edited by ThaRickyNatorr: 7/4/2015 9:45:43 PMOh boohoo.. Just stfu and go on you pussy. Thats matchmaking right there. Crybaby If ppl wont join a team than if 3 ppl leave than you have 6v3. No god damn logic right there is it you stupid shit?