[b] we gun them down quickly[/b]
You hear a voice cry out "hello! About time you got here!"
[b]they reach the voice[/b]
You see several crew members standing behind the improvised battlement with a machine gun propped up against the battlement. The leader of the group comes forward. He is wearing an officer's uniform and has a severe arm wound which is bleeding heavily. He says "quickly, get inside" and motions for you to follow.
[b]jets scout overhead [/b]
He looks up and says "looks like brought the whole damn airforce" and chuckles. "Come, follow me"
[b]follows[/b] It's only 5 jets,
Well they certainly have aboriginal firepower to pack a punch it looks like
Anyway, did you bring any medical supplies?
[b]pulls out med kit[/b]