Your at Toronto, you see bandits and other people firing at each other
I whip out my magnum and a knife and kill them all, except the members of the ertac gang, whom I made years ago, in high school.
Sup jt. [b]one of the members says[/b]
"Hey Vito. Been a while, hasn't it" I say over hologram
I'm surprised you lived man
Well, locker doors and magnums work wonders
Edited by Devious_Melons: 7/5/2015 5:27:32 PMAny way, we got word the leader of that terrorist cell is here in this hiding among the bandits,
WHAT!!! *lifts car up, chucks it across the city, to the terrorists base, and opens a portal to there, and you hear gunshots and screams, and see me walk back holding a mutilated head* now, to find the leader. WHERE. IS. HE. VITO.
[b]xyzzy is on top of a building he jumps down[/b] I know where he is, follow me And do you gentlemen we wish to follow? [i]umm yea, wait can we get arms,[/i] Well I need more men, serve me and you'll get what you want, [i]ok[/i]
Let's go. Oh, xyzzy, remember, I get the killing blow