I feel that focus fire needs a buff. Say if I get the iron banner auto rifle with focus fire, the dps should not decrease while ads. If I use up a perk slot on a gun, that gun shouldn't do worse because of it.
It needs fixing and buffing, fix, should not be able to fire faster by spamming trigger, and buff, the DPS shouldnot drop off because you use that perk :P also... how it functions should be modded a lil, cause t fires, and hangs in spot, like its temporarily frozen... spamming trigger can dfire faster and allow gun to recenter in comparison... that hangin off center freeze thing is annoying, coupled with the spam trigger and reduced DPS, I prefer using hipfire on my abyss defiant, even if I always aim when using... so far I have only used FF when I am using it like a scout on a solar burn... or during juggler, since the only function I see for it atm is extending safespot camping, with better damage for ammo available...