Lol I never argued superman one million would wreck him as he is a reality warper and silver age supes was pulling powers out his ass and sneezing away galaxies but any other superman is going to get his ass kicked by a goku that is now around ss3 at base level
I think all star superman man could do since he got an incredible pi wer boost to bad it basically kills him
Yes but general consensus anytime this is brought up is ss3 goku= superman. Goku is now ss3 level in base form and can still power up to ss 1 2 3 or god. There's no way even all star could take him as I believe he just got overdosed with solar radiation. He could probably take base goku now or ss1 but ss2 and up with his new power level is simply too much
But you cant forget superman is all ways getting stronger too so this will just go on for ever lol until sentry from marvel comes
Idk I think goku at ss3 or ssg as he is now would stand a hell of a chance against sentry. Void or death seed sentry?lol probably not as he's reaching Odin levels of power but still, goku was fighting someone who destroys galaxies and forcing to him to use ~70% of his power and then kept most all of that power buff when he returned back from ssg form to base form, dude is stupid strong now
I don't know if were going to have them at full power that means entry's mental state is fine. At that point the only way you can defeat him is if he wants to be defeated