The Thorn is such an OP weapon so that when you're 1v1, 99% of the times you'll lose. Nerf the Thorn!!!!!
Try ill will... Hate that gun.
Let me introduce you to a little pulse rifle called the messenger. Stand back from enemies and fire. Problem solved.
That and truth are terrible this time around. 34 v 34 i come out of my titan bubble with blessing of light 2 shot kill from truth. Level advantages my ass
I'm with you there. My only way to defend myself is to use the fast fire rate of the scout rifle I got from Variks last week, and even then I have to catch them off guard first so I can land a few shots on them before they start firing. They even manage to beat my shotgun-juggernaut combo.
I outgun thorns all the time with my trusty scholar, or messenger. You little fags just need to L2P and get some good -blam!-ing weapons. Messenger does a 2 burst headshot kill, the scholar a 3 shot headshot kill, it is not hard to outgun thorns.
Enough with the nerf Thorn bullshit. They need to Buff other weapons to counter thorn, These Dumb nerf requests.
Another scrub with nerf thread, yes nerf everything until they are unusable like the auto rifle so these cry babies dont run to mummy. Why do you think hand cannon are widely used now? Cus nubs keeps call for nerf whenever they get killed by a certain type of gun alot.... Hence now we have the plastic bullet rifles... Stop ruining the game for everyone when you obviously have no clue how it affects the performance for the gun in pve and for others in pvp...
Check recruitment. Players looking for only thorn players. There is the prof they need to nerf thorn. Hate that gun.
NITC with explosive rounds is the shit. Scouts are my favorite
Play smarter, noob.
Use the red death super easy to kill with
Lol you are just a scrub dude, use the mida, thorns will never hit you on 1v1
I haven't used Thorn this whole IB, just TLW and I've been destroying lol. My take on the "Nerf thorn" deal is that while it is VERY strong and dramatically enhances the kill potential (notice how I don't say skill) of the player using it, it honestly doesn't need a nerf considering all of the ways it can be countered.
I've gone against a hole team with all of them using thorn and I got 2000 points with vestian dynasty
Lmao 99%, your gun skill must be bad, i beat thorn all the time with tlw, mida, or red death