How so? King Kai or Supreme Kai easily could have told them.
Because they would not survive the raids if they didn't know. The very fact you would include that is putting the fight in there favor.
If Guardians go into Raids knowing what to do, then so do Goku and Vegeta.
Nope, firstly we have our Ghosts. Secondly we already know others have gone into the raids before us and could of transmitted the data for us to use.
And who's to say Goku doesn't just read a Guardian's mind and figure it all out?
He's not that bright of a person.
And? Pretty sure either Goku or Vegeta would figure it'd be a good idea to at least know what they're up against. And seeing as how Goku is telepathic, it's quite likely.
They most likely wouldn't of know of the raids to begin with.