The title says it all. "Are gunslingers going extinct in PvP?"
The amount of time I put into PvP I rarely run into any gunslingers. Not saying we don't exist just that there are less and less of us In PvP anymore.
gunslinger is mah main nig
#allclassmasterrace Gunslinger bro signed in
I'm too lazy to max BD out on my hunter (again) so nope. Pure GG.
I use to only run gunslinger loved my trip mines and loved my throwing knives but with the current meta right now blink is to strong to not use and I'm not talking about to shot gun just the speed and ability to juke and dodge rockets I b had to make the switch temporarily.
I feel like gunslingers are more popular than blade dancers now. Blade dancers just get shot down too quick now, everyone knows when one is coming and striker slams, nova bombs, golden gun or just shotgun you down! Although if you are a laggy blade dancer, you'll squad wipe the other team no problem.
Cuz a lot of people try to take advantage of the blink/shotgun combo
No I got 4 shots lol I am not leaving
Trip mines, triple jump and throwing knife are enough to keep me as a gunslinger at least until ttk drops
Gunslinger = defensive class Blade dancer = attacking class I was gunslinger for the majority of my PVP life span and switch to blade dancer last month. Throwing knife is the best thing on a gunslinger (besides super) and is the ultimate defensive weapon. But I am sorry blade dancer is such a better class overall because of the arc bolt grenade with lucky raspberry and of course quick draw. I do not blink shotty. Blink TLW/Snipe. Having the extra agility, quick draw (combined with snap shot on snipe) with TLW for close quarters is a deadly combination. Gunslingers are great, but they are out classed by the blade dancer. And for the record the blade dancer super with razor edge is easy to be okay with, but is a very very hard super to master. Seems a lot harder than a Titan smash, nova bomb, and of course golden gun
I still run gunslinger but I've been noticing Bladedancer might be in my near future. I've been killed so many times while activating my long animation super while someone comes around the corner with a shotgun
Edited by Mister Nice Guy: 7/1/2015 2:29:54 PMNo...ever since Trials, there are way more gunslingers than bladedancers, tbh.
I run with gunslinsger only for the trowin knife, they are badass
I rekt kids with gunslinger cause i dont feel like getting killed by shotguns on my super all the time
I just really like blink and arc bolt. In trials I run with the lucky raspberry arcbolt combo and love it. I don't blink/shotgun though, just because I love snipers. I reckon I'll use GG in trials when anomaly or shores of time pop up though.
Edited by YeaRightTopKek: 7/1/2015 2:28:04 PMI prefer gunslinger for pvp over bladedancer. Iv also gotten really good with trip mines lol
Gunslinger master race..
Gunslinger crucible master race
I use it because I have a thing for trip mines
Almost always gunslinger with the khepri gauntlets. Nice combi
My clan Detonation are pure gunslingers haha and what what solo! We haven't played in forever
I think in trials and control they are still gonna be very useful. In trials, the Golden gun is a god super, wiping the whole team no matter if they are far apart or not. And in control with combustion you can take out a team if they are on a control point. Gunslingers are situational but still good.
I see them often enough, plus I mostly play as a gunslinger
The only reason why anyone uses Gunslinger is the super and any arguments for Gunslinger usually involved the super itself. Ain't nobody WANTS tripmine grenades that never kill on their own (if they did literally 2 more damage then they would kill), or a throwing knife that always seems to bug when it's on fire and never do the DoT thing except when they're at full health or the stupid -blam!-ing stacking headshot kill perks cuz the duration is 10 goddamn seconds. They're a damage dealing PvE subclass and that's BS.
I always use sunslinger, bladedancer is just not to strong
It's my favourite class in pvp and my setup is sweet.....I'm however trying to get my titan to 5000 kills which means he's warming the bench for a while.