The strangers rifle doesn't turn into the fate it's just the key to getting it also trials was originally supposed to have an exotic
Everything in the game got broke down to sell as add ons (dlc) so them exotics could b anywhere look at bad juju anybody call tell that was a dark below weapon.yet we had it from the start.I would love to no were the fools is but playing destiny as long as I have it will b some add on in the end...I was pointing out the strangers rifle may b yellow but it's nothing to do with they have the messenger.
Yah but messenger isn't an exotic
It's a legendary pulse rifle like the strangers rifle shld have been.I'm with you mate I would love nothing more to find the fools but I dont think it's there.and the strangers rifle is still my fave weapon it's a shame it can't b ascended or even a legendary.
Ok I see what your saying :) thanks for the feedback
Also the part u talk about the camp at the lighthouse,I always thought the lighthouse was were the exiled went.the exo stranger travels around so would b a perfect place for them to go and not have any hassle. We all no the speaker is a snake in the grass and osiris new to much hence being exiled.
That's good to note thanks! I might add it to the OP later
Thanks mate