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originally posted in:The Overlords of Heresy
Edited by HERETICOVERLORD: 8/25/2015 2:26:56 PM

The story of three Overlords Chapter 1 Episode 1

I Heretic, Manhatton, and Cuban travel back to the tower from our last mission. We had killed a Fallen Baron of the house of Devils we brought his decorated sword as proof of the kill. Cuban of course was happy sitting there looking over his knives sharping them. Manhattan however sat in silence on the ship reading some text he had gotten from the Library in the tower. I decide to fly the ship back to the tower to give my self time to think about the last two days. I knew I needed some new gear when I shoulder bashed that fallen and caved in his breast plate. It cracked my shoulder pad which is understandable its old. When we got back I asked Manhatton where I could get some new gear he replied you have to earn it. From the crucible or vanguard I asked what the Crucible was he said it's a place to kill each other and training he said don't worry if you die your ghost will bring you back. This interested me Greatly I could test my mettle and learn from others. When I went and looked at the boards rumble stood out. An all out free for all with eight total guardians I thought this is perfect. Out there, in the wild there will only be enemies so why not train the same way I signed up for my first match and was excited. Right down to the countdown when I noticed everyone had amazing gear. Except for me I was still wearing my old broken gear for a second a chill ran up my spine. Shaxx finishes the countdown I look out before me rusted buildings and green crystals I run for an opening I can see stairs going up them I hear footsteps and then gunshots I ready my hand cannon I turn the corner and there's a warlock with a shotgun aimed at me waiting all I see is a flash an instance of pain and I appear somewhere else a different place but near where I started. I run again this time through an arch way there is a turn to the right as I turn the corner I see a hunter with his left shoulder to me aiming a sniper rifle down towards a door way I take out my hand cannon and shoot him in his shoulder he falls from his perch with a yell I shoot him twice more and run through the door way he was aiming down there i see the same warlock who I assume killed me earlier I don't hesitate I pull my shotgun out his back is to me and I shoot him point blank in the back. Again there's a flash but this time he's rising from the ground I put 4 more shots into him at point blank he goes down again. I think to myself what the hell was that how? As I move out into the court yard I hear gunshots behind me I jump into cover and turn around its another titan shooting an auto rifle at me I make a decision when he starts to reload I start running towards him as I did the fallen he panics an drops his mag I hit him with all my force sending him against the wall he isn't dead his armor holds fast. I have completely shattered my shoulder pad I take my hand cannon and manage to shoot him once in the stomach before he knocks it away I punch him as hard as I can breaking his visor and sending him against the wall this time I grab my shotgun and fire twice. Two to the chest for a moment I think he's still alive but he finally drops. My hand is bleeding pieces of his visor hanging from my knuckles. I reload as best I can my hands shaking adrenaline pumping. I take a glance to my left to where my hand cannon should lie. As I look over something catches my eye an orb glowing before I realize what I'm looking at it explodes all I can see is white. I think to myself you idiot you were staring at a flash grenade. I hear foot steps light but there. Try aiming in their direction and start unloading with my shotgun I hear one shot hit but the foot steps keep coming I shoot one more time and hit only to have their lifeless body slam into me knocking me down. I lay there trying to see anything. Then I hear Shaxx yell out all guardians stop and return to the tower Immediately this match is ended. The winner at this time is Heretic. As I go back to my ship I think why would they prematurely end the match? When I get back to the tower I go to my quarters. Manhatton and Cuban are already suited up and ready to move out. They grab me and they say we'll brief you on the way. As soon as we get to the ship I Notice other guardians getting in their ships and taking off as fast as possible. Once were in Manhatton says we're going to the moon with a calm voice he says we get to take on the hive. Cuban juts in I hate them we should kill as many as we can and then some. Manhatton takes the conversation over again we got a special strike mission somewhere in the hive stronghold called the summoning pits Cubans eyes seemed to light up behind his mask. He whispers Thorn Manhatton immediately turns to him and says not that again. You had me searching all over earth where the hive had landed looking for that gun what makes you think its on the moon in these summoning pits? I look at Cuban he simply turns and says do you remember the story of Dredgen Yor the murderous and Thalor the invincible. That hand cannon was left there when Dredgen Yor was killed its the last recorded place that it was all the rumors that it was on earth couldn't be true. Nobody has been on the moon in Hundreds of years. Manhatton shakes his head I wish you would have thought of that earlier. I ask Cuban why he wants Thorn he says its only one of the most magnificent hand cannons ever created or born. I replied or born? He continues Dredgen Yor made it himself nobody knows how most believe he used hive rituals and some how bonded them into the gun. The rest of the trip he couldn't stop talking about it. Until finally we landed on the moon we could see other ships landing as well other guardians given different duties the sky was clustered with ships. I saw a satellite fly by nearly clipping a ship but the pilot slammed the ship sideways to avoid it. We off boarded. When Manhatton asked wheres your hand cannon. That's when I Remembered I forgot it in the crucible when I left. I looked at him and said I forgot it. He nodded and said you'll need another weapon get back on the ship and go to the room on the right after getting on there will be a small chest in the closet pick something out of there. So I did as he said when I opened the chest I saw all kinds of weapons strewn within one caught my eye another Hand cannon but it was red with white slashes through the barrel at an angle I picked it up the barrel was longer than my other and it was weighted perfectly best of all it held 9 shots. I exited the ship Cuban glanced at me and said well at least he has a good taste in guns. We left walking over the hill seeing an old relay station. We kept walking Cuban talked into his comms asking if anyone spotted the hive yet. There was one response not yet but soon I can feel them near watching in wait. Cuban chuckled and said well that's creepy enough. Manhatton said were going to need to find a way in to the hive fortress an opening on the surface. Cuban turned to me they like to hide underground in the dark the cowards. All of the sudden the comms lit up we have contact we have contact a female voice screamed over the comms the Hive they're everywhere we could here shrieking in the back ground it was like nothing I have ever heard. Cuban spoke into the Comms where are you and is the an entrance. For awhile there was no response. Suddenly my ghost says I have a lock on their position they are just north of here two miles Manhatton jumped on his sparrow and took off and so did Cuban my ghost called mine and off we were take on the hive and save our fellow guardians. When we got there we saw something undescribable 6 guardians were supposed to be here the only thing here was bones and blood all over the canyon and what looked like a hunters cloak ripped to shreds by a massive metal door we approached weapons drawn ready. I could feel something watching us a predator something that meant to kill us. Suddenly we heard shrieks and so floating monster came out of the door way with at least 100 screaming monsters on the ground running straight at us. Manhatton jumped into the air and threw his hands together with a clap as he drew them apart a purple ball of pure energy formed he was floating now too. He made it about as large as a tire before he threw it into the middle of those screaming things turning them into nothingness I started shooting at the one flying in the doorway I aimed for its head but before I could fire my third shot something hit it right between the eyes I heard Cuban yell Bullseye he didn't fire I thought. He started running towards it and jumped tackling it to the ground while grabbing his knife still in its head he ripped it out and slit its throat before stabbing it two more times in the face. I looked at him astonished he threw his knife and hit that thing in the face from at least 50 feet away. I said to Cuban that's amazing he replied with you should see me on a bad day. We continued to the door I looked at Manhatton his gloves smoking as if they were just on fire. I asked what was that he said we all have powers with the light even you that was a Nova bomb. We walked into the massive door way it was so dark I could barely see a thing our ghost's flew above us lighting the way down it seemed to go on forever it didn't take us long to reach the bottom though there was a hallway that we could make out with multiple corridors on it. We heard a tremendous roar at the end of the hallway Cuban said joyfully sounds like the place to be. Manhatton sighed why are you always right. Because Cuban said the bigger they are the better i feel when they die besides if the vanguard is right the summoning pits are that way maybe the big guys our target. We walked on only encountering small groups of hive easily gunned down. To be continued...

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