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6/29/2015 4:57:19 PM
I might be ok with 34 PoE. Even if you need some comunications in certain levels or bosses (Quadron, i'm talking to you!!) Finding a partner for 35 is not hard...i usually post an LFG and I get spammed by people that want in. The level of play is up to can have bad or good LFG players, just as you can have bad and good matchmaking players. The difference is that in a non matchmade situation you have some sort of control...if a guy goes AFK for far too long you can't kick him in matchamaking. Same goes if he is a jerk or unpolite, racist etc..Are you going to leave at Skolas just to teach him a lesson? what if he's doing that on porpouse so he can call his buddies or find somebody else in LFG??? One thing is for sure: making some friends will not hurt you or anybody. I met my current group of Destiny friends through LFG, and i met even more nice and supportive people by joining a good clan that is supportive and always open to do to activities while helping each other.

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