originally posted in:Mr Fruits Fruit Salad
This weapon is... GJALLARHORN!!
I pronounce it like so... Jay-Low_HORN!
So how do you pronounce this weapon?
Whiner- horn
A guy on the forums who had a poll on how to pronounce Gjallahorn taught me before I heard it from the Fruit. Yall-Ah-Horn
Old yeller
Originally, it was a norse word so I pronounce the Gj as a Y so Yall-er-horn
I pronounce it Gjallarhorn. Anything else would just be silly.
gal er horn
Edited by Bryce: 8/18/2015 8:16:27 PMIt's technically pronounced "Yal- ar-horn" But I just say "gal-uh-horn" because it's easier or gally
gal-a-horn is how i say it
"easymode-button" ;)
I pronounce it JELLY-HORN
Yaller horn
Jall aar hourn
Edited by Silvercrys: 8/14/2015 3:57:24 AMGa-lar-horn I know it isn't right, but I do it anyway. [spoiler]Supposed to be something like Ya-lar-hawrn in the native language[/spoiler] Edit: [spoiler]Having [url=http://destiny.bungie.org/forum/index.php?id=66227]just educated myself[/url], I appear to have been wrong: In modern Scandinavian it is Yaw-lar-hawrn, but in the original old Norse it was either Gak'hlarhorn or Gat'hlarhorn. Go figure.[/spoiler]
Yallerhorn I have a little bit of a noise inferring of the y that's like an h sound though.
According to a Icelandic linguistic it's supposed to be pronounced Gat-lar-horn [i]~About Me[/i]