I suspect we will get some overall balancing when TTK arrives. In the meantime though, it would be nice to use autos again. They're definitely the most diverse group of weapons with some sweet perks! I wonder what the stats are now? 2% of players using an auto?
and im pretty sure that 2% is new players, since it is most new player friendly weapon
What is the definition of "weapon balance" in destiny though?
I think the simplest way to 'balance' would be to have the weapons function as intended. Hand cannons/shotguns for close range, autos/fusion for medium, scout/sniper for long range. Damage output wouldn't be as much of a concern if they did that. Then your tactics would be important again. I'm curious how most players would fare if you gave everyone the same weapons and armor! That would separate the scrubs from the actual skilled.
Would be a lot better if everyone have same weapons like in halo reach