Rate each others hunters on a scale of 1-10
Also I am a 34 this is just my sexy outfit.
Top so far:
Logeasaurus rex
True Killuh
Asianly infected hunter #2
Seawolf Maniac
Guys really sorry I cant get to all of you but I can say for a fact we look better than titans and warlocks :)
Bittersteel, Old School VoG gear, Bones of Eoa, Bang!
Mine is better than everyone
Mine cause color coordination
I think mines purty.
Lmk if you f-uck with my hunters style : )
Give mine a look. Granted the app doesn't do my shader justice. Pretty much Black and Yellow.
I like mine as it is.
A hell of a lot better then any warlock out there
My hunter looks pretty sharp, if I can say so myself.
How about mine?
Check my 34
Personally love my hunter. Something about the default exile gear just speaks to me.
Is mine sexy? Do you want him? Well do ya?
Mines the best tho
I like mine. Just recently changed the gear, so he's not the same as he usually is.
Check mine out
Sorry, but neutrals don't look sexy.
I'll take a r8
R8 me m80s
Rate mine
R8 me m8. R8 8/8