Looking for recruits for a new clan of dads that typically play late evenings and weekends in the eastern time zone.
Raids, Bounties, Dailys, weeklys, nightfall, Crucible.
Any levels!
26 father of 2, usually play from 6pm EST to 9pm EST weekdays and usually all weekend. All 3 characters lvl 34. Looking for people who understand that having a child means you might have to change a diaper at a bad time in the game lol. I'm well versed in all aspects of the game and am incredibly patient with first timers for raids, crucible, missions ect. I'm currently in a clan but we have completed pretty much everything until TtK comes out, so I'm just looking for anyone who needs help or just wants to play. Really want to get into ToO with a good group. Anywhoo the name is Audio-freq- on ps4 Just friend me and let me know you saw this post and what your looking to do thanks!