and I'll be helping people through to get their Flawless!
All I ask in return is to watch my montage video of my highlights from last week's Trials and like and subscribe.
I'm on PS4, PSN is same as my name.
[b]Edit 1[/b]
a) When you add me on PSN please include your username on these forums so I know who you are
b) Based off the large amount of requests, don't expect to be run through trials on Friday.
[b]Edit 2[/b]
a) Due to the long list of requests there is no way I will be able to run everyone through before trials ends. However, I do have a list, composed on a first friend request, first serve basis.
b) If I get to your name, and you are not on, I will pass you and move on to the next. I'll give you 24 hours to be on for trials.
[b]Edit 3[/b]
I can not log into Destiny. says the servers are experiencing issues, sorry guys.
[b]Edit 4[/b]
The list of people who asked for helped and who got through Trials with me.
--- Completed:
--- Skipped Due To Inactivity/Offline
--- Remaining List Count: 18
NOTE: Much more people asked for help than I assumed would so there is absolutely no way I can help all of you this trials. You'll have to wait next trials for help.
I'm down for next Friday
uh trials is on friday bud...
Trials SUCK
Add me on ps4. Looking for someone to go flawless with. I went flawless 3x and I'm looking to go flawless again.
Need help psn ca1984rl plz
There needs to be more players like you... Too many "try hards" out there refusing to play with anyone who doesn't already have the flawless emblem
Could two people who have gone flawless help me go flawless on Xbox 360. Gt: Sc0rpi0n314
Help me plz :)
Cheers for the run.
Damian if u ever want to help a weak guardian in trials, u dont need to look any further u just found the weakest guardian in pvp
Is there anybody you know who plays on PS3
Watch video, its good stuff
Do you think you could fit me in tonight?
Are you going to be able to help me this week?
Sorry to all of you for not being on to run trials on Friday. I will begin the list on Saturday.
PSN:MeshalTheTorch would love help on this
Have you been able to log on yet?
Damian I just sent a request help me get to the light house please
Awesome vid do you use twitch too
That's some great sniping! I'll add you. I have trouble finding teams. I'm a casual player who just plays whenever I find time between work, and wife/kids. Sometimes at odd times lol.
whats the map
You are an animal brotha.... Awesome stuff. You definitely got me as a sub. Do you help out on ps3?
What times do you plan on playing this weekend?
subscribed! bring me to the promise land please!
Could you help me get flawless when ever over the weekend its burnleybomber