By the light of the Traveler if I get another try hard on my post poking fun at my post for saying hours rather then minutes, knowing full well there are 3 characters for me to get and that I might take a brake or two or eat something I am gonna have to change the post for the slower kids in the class.
It's just not worth crying over kid. I've had plenty of shitty nightfall weeks just like everyone else. Just tired of these whiny posts from people who feel like they deserve better than what they got. You have over twenty chances at getting your exotics a week if you want to put the time in. To complain about not getting anything new for less than an hour of effort in a game based off rng just makes you look dumb.
If you had a head any harder you would be a coconut: [quote]*For everyone who didn't ready the post or misinterpreted the post here is what I want Nightfalls to drop: - Nightfall Exclusive Legendries = Loot that can only be found in a nightfall and helps within it instead of the faction gear. - Random Exotics = because not everyone has them all yet or all of them fully upgraded, so stop being jaded people. - Etheric light = cause we don't have full exotic sets and we have gear we like still but need stronger. - Strange coins = cause we can still get useful things from Xûr - Ghost Shells = cause there is no reason why we shouldn't have them already, but I am not holding my breathe.[/quote]