Sure we can now pay $20 bucks for vanity items, it's still wrong that you're making us pay $40 for something that new players are getting for free. Fix the price or you're gonna lose even more players.
EDIT: So it has been brought to my attention that they may actually be reducing the price. They said that their website now had the new prices and deals etc but the page looks exactly the same so I'm not sure.
I for one will be waiting to see if they either drop the price at least a bit, or see after it comes out if $40 is worth it.
EDIT 2: Allow me to clarify. They aren't actually getting it for free. They are simply getting an incredibly good deal for current prices while the rest of us have to pay a lot if we want the same stuff.
FINAL EDIT: Thanks to all those who agree with my thoughts. And thanks to those who disagree, but were willing to at least listen to my explanations. As I said I'll be waiting to see if it will be worth it or to randomly find an extra $40. If there's anyone out there still watching this post I won't be responding to any more comments on this one. C ya.
So if they do lower the price, what's going to happen with the difference if we already paid the $40?
Just wait a year and you can get TTK cheaper. There problem solved
I'm genuinely curious where this "I've been playing this game for x amount of time, give me new content for some absurd price or else" came from.
Word the whole idea of being a Destiny verteran is the fact we played the game from the start .Bungie may have developed it,but We made this game what it is . With out us talking to our friends spreading the word about this game it would be nothing . That's the least bungie could do for us show us that you respect us . If not we can play the same cards . With out all of us (players) Destiny is nothing.
What's with the "[i][b]Need buy nahw![/b][/i]" bullshit? Don't like it? Want it cheaper? Here's what you do... [spoiler]...f[b]uc[/b]king wait! Patience will save you alot of money.[/spoiler]
You've been playing the game for a year, fork over some cash to continue having the fun you've been having, or go find a new game and stop bitching. You won't be missed.
*facepalms vigorously*
You should stand outside your grocery store and demand they sell you Cheetos and Gummy Bears for cheap.
Stop. You're not a veteran. Day one players are veterans. Players who actually had to try vigorously to get to light level 30 are veteran players. Judging by your playing time and grimoire you are not a day one player nor did you play in the original vanilla game.
59.99 here in Canada and 79.99 for limited edition
I heard they are bringing the US price in line with the UK price. You're going to have to pay 60 dollars. How do you feel now? That's not actually true but that's still what UK people have to pay.
Are you completing ignoring the facts and talking with your wallet? TTK is atleast double the size of The dark below and house of wolves and both of those will become obsolete when the TTK releases so they should basically be free afterwards.
I'm just gunna get another copy of the game, used.
The only reason I'm not upset is I am a day 1 player for 360, never bothered to upgrade my game even though i have a one. So for this i bought the CE for the one so I'm technically not by the same thing again.
\_/ Tear cup. Legendary class Despite is small appearance, this cup can in fact hold an unlimited supply of guardian tears. It is proven to be the only thing more hungry than Master Rahool.
EDIT 2: Allow me to clarify. They aren't actually getting it for free. They are simply getting an incredibly good deal for current prices while the rest of us have to pay a lot if we wamt the same stuff.[/quote] That's not clarifying, that's called correcting yourself
You're getting more than double the content of either of the previous expansions for the $40. Also, people buying the legendary/collector's aren't getting TTK for free. You're forgetting to account for the devaluation of a year-old game. Most games get a GOTY edition these days, which is basically what this is. It's a reduction in cost of the old content in a package tied with the new content. Not the other way around.
So, is this the first game you ever played with DLC and expansion pacts? There is a simple fix, if you can't afford it don't buy it. Or take a business or economics class. You should learn how the world works. They really don't own you anything.
How exactly are they getting it free? last I checked everything costs something. Nothing is free except the year one stuff.
100 dollars was year one.. It's start of year two... Wow how -blam!-ing cheap are you people
Don't buy it, go play something else.
Fallout dlc skyrim dlc borderlands dlc has more content then destiny dlc but we have to pay more for destiny dlc and destiny isn't as good as those games in my opinion #suebungie
Other DLCs were $20. This one has about twice as much content, so it's $40. No reason it should be cheaper.
Get a cheaper hobby.