So, did the weakly nightfall this week on 3 characters and I got 2 [url=]55A-allFATE[/url]'s....both essentially crap and for my last try 9 strange coins...last time I played I got 3 of them, making a total of [u]5[/u].
I know that they don't want to always give out the best loot over and over, but this is ridiculous, I should never get a legendary I can buy from a vendor. If I have to get one, then make some that you can only get from night falls, but there is no reason why I should have this happen, hours of my life I will never get back and I essentially scrapped all of them.
It was raining and I was pushing the bounds of what I could do in game to get my rewards, not once, or twice, but 3 times and 2 of the 3 times I essentially got nothing. "Oh you got something, you got 2 rifles for free you would have had to buy", you mean "rifles I would never buy"; only an idiot or a low level would buy these guns. No one plays the nightfall to get these legendries except collectors, and I can't always expect to get the exotics, but you would think someone would make nightfall helpful gear like they do for the raids and PoE.
Please remove the current Legendary drops from nightfalls and replace them with gear that can only be found in nightfalls.
[b]*For everyone who didn't ready the post or misinterpreted the post here is what I want Nightfalls to drop:
- [u]Nightfall Exclusive Legendries[/u] = Loot that can only be found in a nightfall and helps within it instead of the faction gear, much like raid gear and its use, but light levels that match faction to keep an active player interest in nightfalls.
- [u]Random Exotics[/u] = because not everyone has them all yet or all of them fully upgraded, so stop being jaded people.
- [u]Etheric light[/u] = cause we don't have full exotic sets and we have gear we like still but need stronger.
- [u]Strange coins[/u] = cause we can still get useful things from Xûr
- [u]Ghost Shells[/u] = cause there is no reason why we shouldn't have them already, but I am not holding my breathe.
- [u]Legendary Engrams[/u] = it was suggested as a good alternative to faction gear that can help everyone with their cryptarch.[/b]
*For everyone who needs the math done for the "hours" portion of my post:
-1 run 20-40 minutes long per character
-3 characters
-Dinner 10-50 minutes based on quantity and quality of food.
so if you have an issue with this time table, sit down and save your question for someone cares, cause you input on the matter is done.
Muted because dumb.
Hey bungie, you clearly have no idea what you're doing. Just let the community make the game for you. kthxbye
No! I want cool legendaries a lot more than the same exotics I've been using for months already.
muted for to much stupid in one posting.
Dude wtf are you crying about ?? You can't be serious ??
I got a legendary engram last week, SUROS this week
What a stupid idea
I got ten coins don't touch me and eternal warrior
You mean 32 minutes of your life?
Edited by CannyJack: 6/25/2015 6:23:33 PMGiven how easy the Nightfall is this week, the rewards seem perfectly appropriate to the effort. I did it 3 times in like 15 minutes apiece, and I got 3 legendary weapons that I scrapped. But 16 weapon parts for a strike that was easier than taking out Saviks the Queenbreaker seems like a pretty good deal!
I got 2 ice breakers
No strange coins or engrams Legendaries may stay
I hope this was from before this week cuz solar valus was EZ
No don't take them out. Then no one would make pointless threads like these.
Hours? I solo'd this week's NF on all 3 characters in an hour...
Maybe we could get some vanilla legendary weapons and armor
I do enjoy the excess amount of motes I get Pretty annoying though
Agree man, legendary primaries most def. I only use my raid elemental stuff so i auto dismantle any primary i het
Deal with it People do raids all the time and only get shards Its all rng based no matter what A lot of people dont even do nf for rewards at this point they do it for xp boost
Id rather get legendary weapons. Prior to HoW was better because of the random rolls. The new re-roll perk kinda ruined the enjoyment of getting purples now.
Edited by Onyx, Son of Carti: 6/25/2015 5:55:35 PMThey are done in 20 minutes and we all should gets ghorns from it! No! Just no! They are to easy to be that rewarding! Edit: start crying already. Most people get crap from the nightfalls every single week. And i'm not talking about a crap weapon ( btw the 55a is the best legendary pulse rifle in the game except the messenger. ) they get 9 shards. Every. Single. Week.
Really? Si I could be a noob and get all of the ex9tic gear in a matter of about two months. The sense of entitlement from a lot of the player base is what ruins Destiny.
haha really?
I love getting crucible and faction vender gear from nightfall because I hate crucible.
I'd rather get Strange Coins. I have pretty much all the exotics and none of the legendary weapons hold a candle to the VOG gear.