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6/25/2015 5:58:09 AM


Reduce price of DLC


Discounts for year one gamers (greater / better)


Destiny have got it spot on


Destiny is going in the bin


I'm going outside...


I am a day 1 gamer, last time i looked over 800 hours in this game, maybe near 1000 by now, initially great, did the raids they were hard, then they were easy, then i was lvl 34 and everything is easy apart from skolas and the trials... okay. . BUT, i paid £40 for destiny pre-order and i accept that was a fair price now, THEN i paid £15 for dark below...okay i got a good raid and some great wait kinda good weapons....the vault game me fate bringer and vex, before i got bored of never getting black hammer to crux, only to find out crux was crap and black hammer wouldn't drop. THEN i was encouraged to buy house of wolves, for £20?!?! and i was level 34 in a day and did everything in two days, and i was back to the start, only 3-4 hours more into this game. NOW [b][/b] you wan £40 ,,,,, sorry no typo wait [b]£40[/b] for ANOTHER DLC for the same price as the original game essentially, and its called a upgrade, so is that my discount really ??!?!? really bungie what is this...i a hanging on i play destiny maybe once a week now just to keep updated and farm some etheric light and i liked what taken king was shown as at E3....BUT OMFG never am i paying £40 for a DLC to a company that have made millions and now ask again for more FOR LESS. taken king looks okay, but if it can't explain a £40 price tag then i'm out, i have arkham knight to fight, witcher 3, halo master (if it works), borderlands, all fair superior games at this point that without better content affordable from Destiny will win my time. And others who seem to fell to same way. To put it in perspective Destiny is asking me to pay [b]$62.75 for a DLC!!!!!???[/b] - now if you could sort out your definition if exchange rate in the gaming industry we'd be okay.

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