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Edited by Mike Lawrence: 6/25/2015 8:03:07 PM

So Now We Pay for the FREE STUFF?!

Ok, so let me get this straight. Bungie has seen the error of its ways and decided to make this up to us by charging veterans an additional $20 (beyond the $40 upgrade) for content the new players get for free?! That doesn't seem like a good deal to me. I'm stunned. Somebody tell me they didn't just do that. They just told us "I'm sorry for joking about over charging you. Now get out your wallets! The free stuff is for sale!" Someone please show me I'm wrong. I really want to be wrong about this. [b][u]UPDATE[/u][/b]: Ok, the nerd rage over my FREE statement needs to be addressed. I am using the word FREE as in “free shipping” I understand Milton Friedman and the laws of thermodynamics. That is not what I’m talking about. Yes, I know FREE SHIPPING isn’t free for the seller but it is provided at no additional charge beyond the MSRP to a consumer to entice them into making a highly profitable purchase. The reason I claim the digital content as FREE is because I know the physical parts of the $80 package cost money and involve a ton more man hours. Let’s pretend a designer making $50 per hour spent a full week building these cosmetic additions. That’s about $2500 in salary and let’s not worry about the electricity the computer consumed since it probably would have been on anyway. If 1 out of every 20 players that bought the base game about a year ago buys this package that comes out to $00.0025 cost per download to sell at cost. Does anyone seriously not see that as FREE? Does anyone seriously not see that as aggressive markup if we are being told that is worth $20? Ok, let’s be fair and add in bandwidth and say $00.005 as the cost per million sold. Now same question. [i][b]UPDATE 2:[/b][/i] So I’ve devised a plan to kill off all the internet Rage Queens and here it goes. Get an 18 wheeler and fill the trailer with half-starved Grizzly bears. Attach a wireless hotspot to it (to attract the nerds) and paint a sign on the side that says “become FREE LUNCH for a hungry bear!!!”. Nerd Raging assholes will kick that door down just to tell the “retard” inside that there is no such thing as a FREE LUNCH. Problem -blam!-ing solved! [b][u]UPDATE: [/u][/b] Mad H0use just won the internet with a very reasonable post on the pricing subject. [url=][/url] Great post I want to share. I don't really agree but the writer is very articulate and friendly. [url=][/url]

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  • #atleastyoutried

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  • mega bump

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    • Edited by Mike Lawrence: 6/25/2015 7:59:01 PM
      Here is a quote from further down the thread. It's important that everyone answer this before you and I can really have a foundation point to start the debate. [quote]I sure hope so. Agree or not I have mostly enjoyed reading your posts over the last few months. Let's start here. How much of the CE is the physical stuff worth? I don't need an exact figure I just need you to understand the difference in cost between physically manufactured items and digital items. There is a reason everyone is trying to make everything electronic. It's cheap, really cheap. The mega corporation can only exist in a digital ecosystem. The digital is pure extremistan (to borrow a term from Nassim Taleb) it cost less to produce than a physical item and its value is completely decoupled from the cost to make it. The cost to produce it is only the cost of labor. Physical items like, printed books, have a very definite cost and a relatively stable markup. I promise you that the cost to manufacture of of the CE printed material is far higher than the cost of the digital items. They aren't giving you the CE printed materials for free you are paying for that. The price difference between the regular Destiny and the CE is $20. The price of the digital material on its own is $20. So by your reasoning all the value is in the digital stuff right? No. Answer is no. The cost of labor to produce those shaders is in the fractions of a cent when measured at the scale they will be selling this package. The physical stuff has to be manufactured over and over again and the costs pile up. The digital stuff shrinks rapidly in cost per unit. Bungie just assigned that price and because it is the highest price they think you will pay. It's an insane price. What makes this frustrating is that they did this as a PR move to show that they weren't money hungry. It shows the opposite.[/quote]

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      • Super bump.

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        • Fvck these kids. Don't edit your post . It should be free. I made a similar post, and took mad shit for it...

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          5 Replies
          • It's funny how people complain about the price but u will shed out the extra money for every dlc for cod which gives u absolutely shit for the money and time u invested in it but hey I guess people just like to complain here is a idea sell your copy of destiny go play cod or some other mediocre game and quit complaining I give it 2 months and u will come running back to play destiny

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            6 Replies
            • Edited by xLucidxRequiemx: 6/26/2015 11:40:44 AM
              The content wasn't free, the ppl who wanted it paid $80 for the content, so that's clearly means its free.

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              • The link that is in this topic is centered towards those who feel the need to continue to bi*ch and complain about the $20 CE extra reward perks. If you don't like it, don't buy it. What Bungie is doing, is adding micro-transactions. Many games have this already, like Datto says in the video, World of Warcraft offers a mount for $25, League of Legends offers skins for $10-$15, and Hearthstone offers new characters that really make no difference for $10. You need to realize that you don't have to buy this stuff. Bungie has been given a lot of heat as of late due to these recent events and they're trying to fix things. I will admit I too was annoyed and mad and was a little hot headed with what I saw and even got pissed and called Bungie out. But now I realize it's just like every other game. I see the error in my ways. It may not make the biggest difference but they have those players who will buy It because they love the game wholeheartedly and want to be a major part of the game and they can then be able to say I have the VIP and CE content. Those players are the commited fans and you can call me whatever you want, you can say I'm just another player who is brainwashed by corporate greed but I am just trying to let people know that every game does this, and Bungie isn't the first nor the last company to do micro-transactions. But I will say this as I did trash at Bungie earlier in the week that I am sorry to have done so and that they are just like any other gaming company. There is nothing here that makes them worse, and they are trying to fix their mistakes and I hope that you guys see this, as there are hopefully many more who see it my way and understand. Thanks for your time and keep hunting Guardians! Your friend and fellow Guardian, A_Terrorist98 P.S. Please bump my original link for what I just said as it will hopefully he exposed to more and more Guardians. Thank you. Original Link:

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                3 Replies
                • I mean the new players pay 80$ for these things, and if you buy them as extras after buying the taken King for 40, you're paying 60 which is less overall. Now this is only my understanding at the moment and I don't know anything for certain. But they're optional, and personally I don't care for them. I only wanted something that reflects Bungie's care for day one players, which it seems like we're getting: shader, emblem and sparrow that are exclusive to those veteran players.

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                  • Highlarious!

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                    4 Replies
                    • We aren't paying for free stuff what are you talking about

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                      5 Replies
                      • No. You were always paying for the free stuff. Now you can just pay for it separately.

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                        • How do i get a refund for ttk?

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                          2 Replies
                          • You pretty much nailed it.

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                            • Its not cheaper, they just gave us the option to get the exclusives without getting the CE

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                              • [quote] Let’s pretend a designer making [b]$50 per hour[/b] spent a full week building these cosmetic additions. That’s about $2500 in salary and let’s not worry about the electricity the computer consumed since it probably would have been on anyway. If 1 out of every 20 players that bought the base game about a year ago buys this package that comes out to $00.0025 cost per download to sell at cost. Does anyone seriously not see that as FREE? Does anyone seriously not see that as aggressive markup if we are being [/quote] Btw I read 50 dollars an hour they actually make 28.92 an hour on average.According to the U.S. Department of labor.

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                                3 Replies
                                • Free my ass. You know the stuff you're getting was meant to be CE exclusive, right? So what Bungie have effectively done is given you the CE exclusives for less than the actual CE, [i]as well as[/i] giving you the Year 1 rewards which is super easy to get. I really don't understand this community. Always complaining about one thing or another.

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                                  8 Replies
                                  • Absolutely hilarious, this isn't much of an apology. Drop the price down $10 and we're all fine and dandy.

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                                    • Edited by Mike Lawrence: 6/25/2015 1:04:05 PM
                                      So I’ve devised a plan to kill off all the internet Rage Queens and here it goes. Get an 18 wheeler and fill the trailer with half-starved Grizzly bears. Attach a wireless hotspot to it (to attract the nerds) and paint a sign on the side that says “become FREE LUNCH for a hungry bear!!!”. Nerd Raging assholes will kick that door down just to tell the “retard” inside that there is no such thing as a FREE LUNCH. Problem -blam!-ing solved!

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • Well no, you aren't paying for free stuff. You're paying the same price that new players are expected to play ($20 above and beyond Destiny and all expansions through Taken King). Before veterans were essentially being asked to pay $40 more (since we already own the year 1 game), while new players had to only pay $20 more. Now we all pay the extra $20 if we want the extra stuff.

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                                        11 Replies
                                        • After reading update 2, it's clear you're just typical internet filth too stupid to be allowed an opinion in public. It's too bad your mother didn't just choke on you.

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                                          7 Replies
                                          • #atleastyoutried

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                                          • So dumb...

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                                            3 Replies
                                            • Have I got a thread for you. I think you'll appreciate the maths within. [url=]Calculating the REAL value[/url] I've broken down each item and calculated what I believe to be fairer prices for the exclusive content based on Bungie's own values according to their bundle prices. If you would be so kind as to check it out, I'd really appreciate your feedback.

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                                              24 Replies
                                              • #thirstyguardiansunite #mikeforthirtiestoftheyear Thanks a lot Mike for helping micro transactions get introduced into the game with your petition. Douche

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