Hey, how you doing? Ok here's my questions, i actually play Destiny on Xbox 360 and i kind of want to buy an Xbox One and continue playing Destiny on it but here's the problem, "Taken King" arrives 15 September and assuming that i have an Xbox One and Destiny on it :
1 - Will i have my three 34 characters with all of my stuff on it?
2 - Will i have "The Dark Below" and "House of Wolves" on it? (I have the season pass (Althought i think it is not digital cause a friend gave it to me but i think he bought it in a store the day one of Destiny) on Xbox 360)
3 - Will i have the bonus for those above 30 light or who bought "The Dark Below" and "House of Wolves" before 2015/08/31 and "Taken King" before 2016/02/01? (The bonus are a Sparrow, a Shader and a First Year emblem)
4 - If i buy "Taken King" on Xbox 360 (Digital Version) will i have it on Xbox One?
That's it, resuming my questions will i have everything i already have on Xbox 360 on Xbox One? I really don't want to start over and spend 80€ to buy everything again, i mean REALLY !
I just wanted to call Bungie but here in France there's no number to call so whatever.. Hoping you can help me, anyways, have a good day =)
[quote]1 - Will i have my three 34 characters with all of my stuff on it? [/quote] YES.....As long as you HAVE Destiny for Xbox 1 AND you sign in with the same account [quote]2 - Will i have "The Dark Below" and "House of Wolves" on it? (I have the season pass (Althought i think it is not digital cause a friend gave it to me but i think he bought it in a store the day one of Destiny) on Xbox 360)[/quote] Ahh... I can't answer that one. Sorry [quote]Will i have the bonus for those above 30 light or who bought "The Dark Below" and "House of Wolves" before 2015/08/31 and "Taken King" before 2016/02/01? (The bonus are a Sparrow, a Shader and a First Year emblem)[/quote] Only if you purchased the season Pass [quote]4 - If i buy "Taken King" on Xbox 360 (Digital Version) will i have it on Xbox One?[/quote] I don't think so. It would need to be TTK for Xbox 1
Edited by The Dude: 6/30/2015 4:51:27 AMHere it what i know for sure: U can play on both provided you started on 360 with vanilla. If you have 360 dlc 1,2...that transfers to xb1. You will need to purchase new xb1 vanilla. Then install and uodate xb1 vanilla. Hit xb marketpkace, search destiny, and choose download for dlc 1 & 2. As for TTK, i cannot answer that because it isnt out yet! However safe bet is purchase for xb1 :-) PS VERY IMPORTANT!!! You must use SAME GT!!! Dont do with a friends, or a new GT. Otherwise your licenses will get all screwy!
Edited by PapaBearMCMLXIX: 6/30/2015 4:40:30 AMYes. It's ties to your Xbox Live Account, and carries over between the two consoles. I play on both XBox One and Xbox 360 with the same characters.