What if you wake up as your crush? What would be the first thing you do?
You're only your crush for one day so make the most out of it. Or make the least out of it, your choice.
A) Her mouth feels weird. Everything feels out of place. Her voice doesn't sound at all like mine. Phantom limb. B) Keep it together (nerves of iron) C) Figure out what day it is. What does she do on a day like this? D) Weekday (dang) E) Try to plan a way to keep her dignity as well as get out of there F) Try to dress decently. Other people's habits are weird. G) Go to school (where is my body?) H) Ask my friends where "he" is. I) They stutter and mutter awkwardly. They are of no use. J) Leave to find my body. K) There it is! Rush to figure out situation. L) Crush is in my body. Give info on each other's schedule and habits M) Try to be "normal" for the rest of the day N) Meet with her the next day (switched back) O) Flirt P) Happily ever after Q) Dies.