Let's all perform our daily worship of Chuck Norris
Now please let us hear the "Facts" the Chuck has to offer
News: 50 Facts, Norris approves
News: 100 Facts, Norris is pleased
News: 250 Facts, Chuck killed Osama bin Laden in fit of happiness
News: 550 Facts, Chuck went in time to stop the JFK assasination. As Oswald shot, Chuck's beard caught and shot back the bullets at Oswald, killing him. JFK's head exploded from sheer amazement.
Best Facts:
Chuck Norris took oranges off an apple tree and made the best lemonade you've ever tasted - JollyRoger343
Chuck Norris was supposed to star in the show "Man vs. Wild," but the directors didn't want kids thinking that "lava is safe to eat" - Rubyk
Chuck Norris can rub 2 pieces of fire together and make wood -WiliestHarbor66
Chuck Norris knows Victoria's Secret - MasterMG33
Chuck Norris can sit in the corner of a circular room - Omalpha
Chuck Norris got into a knife fight... The knife lost - Omalpha
When Chuck Norris dies he will be carrying his own coffin - hertylip
Chuck Norris likes his meat so rare he only eats unicorns - II Âømârk II
[b][i][u]THE HALL OF THE NORRIS[/u][/i][/b]
[b][i]The Greatest Contributor: Singh1199[/i][/b]
The truth can't handle chuck Norris
Chuck Norris can connect the dots when there is only one dot
Chuck Norris history month is all year
Chuck Norris can delete the recycling bin
When a mime sees chick Norris he puts up a glass and acts dead
Chuck Norris called McDonald's through the television
Chuck Norris poops lightsabers
Chuck Norris doesn't breath air, he holds it hostage
Chuck Norris doesn't walk, he simply rolls the earth
Chuck has the last word with Oryx - TTK cancelled.
Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer, too bad he never crys
I have a day by day Calendar that gives me a Chuck Norris "fact" every day. I got it for Christmas!
Edited by VIRS: 6/22/2015 7:27:17 AMDark Souls is a true story based around Chuck Norris' week end hike through the woods. Chuck Norris' first words was the American National Anthem spoken in Thüum. He is fluent in raptor calls. He used the moon for his disco dancing sessions in the '80s He told Hitler's dead corpse to make him a sandwich... He ate a pastrami sandwich on Hitler's grave. He is Morgan Freeman's padawan. Chuck Norris proved the Irresistible Force Paradox. His favorite beer is a molotov cocktail... [spoiler]with extra napalm.[/spoiler]
Chuck Norris is a str1337 babygurl
Chuck Norris' first roundhouse kick created Mount Everest.
He plays COD
Chuck Norris can run fast enough around the earth to punch him self in the back of the head
Edited by The Stranger: 6/22/2015 2:02:36 AMChuck Norris metamorphosed from Gods own ejaculate.
Chuck Norris is the only person in the world who can kick you in the [b][i][u]BACK OF THE FACE[/u][/i][/b]
Whenever Chuck Norris looks in a mirror, the mirror breaks. Nothing stands in the way of ANY Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris donated a sperm bank.
The real Chuck Norris was killed by Bruce Lee. The one we all know and love is a cyborg.
On the 1st day, God created Chuck Norris. He told Chuck "Take it from here".
Back in school, Chuck Norris got a perfect score on his SATs by writing his name.