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Edited by SniperPro147: 6/19/2015 7:51:11 PM

The Player: Chapter 6: Divertimento

[spoiler]I WAS ON VACATION SO SORRY IF THIS TOOK LONG, ALSO SHORT.[/spoiler] "Don't do it again!" "Whatever!" I threw my arm back with no thought, and the door slammed into place. "Always getting into trouble." My body tingled in rage, I hated that voice. "How much do I have to go through, God?!" How did you raise me, Mom? How did you put up with my, Dad? I staggered to the bed, I hugged myself knowing that more blood had been spilt because of me. I reached under the mattress and clasped the kitchen knife. Blood dripped onto the carpet, I was too desperate to remember to put down a tissue. The main theme for Destiny played in the background, and suddenly, I got tugged out of reality. "Okay, I've purposefully killed myself so that you guys can do this by yourself. I want you to devise your own plan, remember, no one is the true leader in this." I watched the player camera to see the lower levels I was carrying. They executed the legions with ease, and their communication was okay, needed some work though. I shrugged my backpack onto my shoulder so I could get ready for the card shop. I checked my Instagram to see her posts. How she painted her hair just to piss of her parents, a complete rebel. I sighed, Laura was the crush of my dreams, she had such a nice personality and...curves, like, woah. I took off my mic from the frenzied voices to text her. 'Hey' 'Hey big bro, whatcha doin?' 'Carrying' 'VOG or Crota' 'VOG' I'm still grateful she plays Destiny. "What's happening?" My mic was strangely loud. I looked at the screen to see the red banner at the bottom screen read, 'transporting'. My body felt like it was being crushed. I opened my eyes to the blinding light. "Hello, there." I could feel the ground, a hard, kind of hot surface. It felt like asphalt. The heat reminded me of when I would lie down on my driveway, staring at the clouds. Honestly, I don't see what the difference was, there were clouds here as well, and my smile was still on my face. I looked to my side, maybe I-. Nothing, it was just a hill, a yellow, and green hill. Teal waters that slightly boiled dotted the surface of the liquid. I sat up and looked to the right... she wasn't there. "Where am I?" "Venus, unknown region." What? I'm in, or was, in my room. I recognized a ghost in front of me, and I looked down in shock. My arm was bleeding, I could tell from the blood soaking through whatever clothing I was wearing. "I was in my room, I was-." "Mutilating yourself, very common for the likes of the people where I come from. I patched up the wound for you, but make sure not to move it too much." The ghost had a girl voice. "How did this happen!?" "You've been dead." "If I've been dead then how was I bleeding!" "You started bleeding when you awoke, Guardian." "But, but-." I stammered, none of these hills looked familiar. Then it hit me like a 60mph car, I was in the game, that's what happened when I was... I flexed my forearm. "It's okay, Guardian, help is on the way. We'll get you back to the Tower." "But, how did I die?" "I don't know, it seems you just died." I had a realization from the very beginning of the game, when you woke up and your ghost said you were dead. Maybe your character went through the same thing? What's going on here? "O-Okay." I hugged myself for some comfort. "I made you some armor, but you will get destroyed by hostiles if we encounter any. Luckily, I sent the Tower a page." The ghost had a very flimsy voice, almost sarcastic at times. "Okay, I guess I'll just wait here." I moved to a hill and sat down on the warm ground. My fingers shook slightly, and I was ashamed to admit I was scared. "What year was it when you died, Mister..?" "Call me Thomas, I didn't die, and it was 2015." "My apologies, at any rate it is currently the year 2636, you're in the age of the Guardians." "Ghost, what should I call you?" "You can call me Lily, or ghost, but if you want to know real name, it's L342-ILI." "Lily it is." "Guardian, or Thomas, sorry-." "Thomas, please." "Why do you purposefully mutilate yourself?" "It's referred to as 'cutting', and I do it as punishment." "Why?" I stared at the robot's blue eye. "Lily, can we please drop this, it's making feel uncomfortable." "My apologies, Guardian." I didn't care enough to correct her on addressing me so formally. If I'm going to be stuck here for the foreseeable future, might as well get used to the stupid thing. "So then, I used my baby to snipe the rest of the dregs, and take-." The voice was cut off by someone falling on top of him. "Hey! What the heck do you think you're doing?!" I groaned, my head had a massive migraine. "Get off me, jerk!" I was pushed to the side, my first reaction was to stand, my cards still snug on my back. "I am sooo sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I just..fell.." I stopped my sentence when I saw the familiar setup of tables, and the bar stand, and the music. "I.." I walked away from the duo of people trying to take what I was seeing, I was in the nightclub! In the Tower?! "Excuse me, sir." I tapped a man's shoulder, he appeared to be enjoying his drink. "Hm?" "Where am I?" "You're in the Tower, friend." The man had a gruff voice, and a large scar cut down his exposed forearm. "T-Thanks for the info." I stammered out, and I quickly walked up the stairs. I didn't want to know how he got that wound. The Dead Orbit dude gave me a wave, though I was too shocked to wave back. I saw a Guardian buy some Relic Iron from the Vanguard Quartermaster. There was some shouting, from down the hallway, and people turned to look. "Where am I?!" A robot, a cleaning robot to be precise, nonchalantly blurted out, "the Tower, Guardian." "But! I was just..." The newcomer sat down on the wall in shock, and I kept moving. What is going on? I moved through the screener, which buzzed obscenely. The doorway blinded me with light from outside, where I looked upon the Tower courtyard. Guardians scuttled around, either chatting, or cleaning weapons. Some were climbing the trees, and even moved along the railing to get to the damn orange canopy. That stupid canopy was the death of my parkour career. I slid down the wall taking in the sight of gaming joy. What happened? I heard people shouting, but I didn't look up, too afraid to see the world. It's been five days since I've had the urge to cut. I took a bite of my apple that I bought from one of the City's side markets. There was a polite knock on the door, unusual for noontime. "Come in." I took another bite of the apple. "I came to apologize for smashing your face into the ground." He stood with his legs shoulder width apart, and hands crossed behind his back. Honestly, he looked more like a soldier than someone who came to say sorry. I rubbed my beard, that was getting awfully neglected by his buddy, the razor. "I stabbed you." "It didn't hurt." "Don't lie to me, Quinn." "I still bashed your face in, and that was rash of me." With a run of my bloodshot eyes, I said meagerly, "Jesus, you're hopeless." I moved my legs off of my bed, and went to the mirror in the bathroom to actually examine my beard; its been at least 12 days. "I'm going to go now, sorry for bothering-." I didn't think Quinn expected a nice knife where he was about to reach from the door, a small line of blood graced his knuckle. "Why aren't you mad at me, I stabbed you! If you weren't wearing your gear, you would've been dead." "Yeah? And?" I got up in his face. "What the hell is wrong with you?" "I could say the same." I growled and held him by his collar against the cell door. "Why aren't you mad at me!" "Because, honestly, you remind me of someone who I could never get mad at." I stared into his dark eyes. "So what do you think of me if your not angry?" "I think you're angry with yourself, and I'm perfectly okay with that." "Yeah? Well...maybe if you actually put up a fight for once, we wouldn't have to have this conversation." "Why do you care so much that you feel the need to have it?" I held my head in shame, everything I said, he countered perfectly. "Well, I didn't mean to hurt you! I just got.." "Angry." I stared into his eyes again, but they weren't as expressionless, somewhere in there, was someone just as bad as me. "Yeah, and, I'm sorry, and I don't know why you're not mad at me; I hurt you!" I gently put him down and turned away, I went it did it again, I screwed up. "You hurt everyone, even yourself. Don't think you can't hide your scars from everyone, Thomas." I clenched my fist. "You're not the only one who wants to die." I heard the cell door shut behind me. I used the wall for support; Quinn sure did know how to put on a show. I threw my apple at the wall, and cried out. Why did he have to care about me?!

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