Pretty self explanatory, which one, and why?
[spoiler]Who revived this thread? Damn it.[/spoiler]
Edited by dazarobbo: 6/20/2015 7:59:33 AM
Started a new topic: Is it right to cure disease?(149 Replies))
There are more people who dont have enough to eat than people with cancer
I feel as if Cancer is fairly close to being treated anyway, world hunger will greatly improve economy's worldwide, this in return would likely stop poaching to a degree, along with pirates and multiple crime throughout many countries.
"Kill em all"
More people are hungry. Save the many
feed the hungry people the cancer, win win
The love of my life lost her father to cancer and if I could have prevented that I definitely would have!
I don't want to died of cancer
I chose cancer because I know first hand how it feels to fight it as well as the lasting effects of it not to mention I already sent it's soul screaming back to hell as zavala would say.
Hunger should be the obvious moral choice
Cancer cus hunger won't kill me I got money
Edited by Sandtrap: 6/25/2015 5:12:27 PMYou know, judging by how fat north america, mexico, and the UK are.... I'd rather not solve world hunger. If I solved world hunger that would mean heart disease would skyrocket to an entire planet filled with fat people. I'd rather just remove all the cancers out there.
I would say world hunger, since it affects and is more relevant to more people.
I chose World Hunger [i]A week l8r...[/i] Doctor:[b]Murph ya got cancer.[/b] Me: [b]Shit[/b]
Who the heck chose "none"???
More people are starving than dying of cancer
I'm going to say world hunger If cancer gets cured my dad's going to lose he's job and that would suck bit time
Saints Row IV
Edited by RufousLoki82: 6/25/2015 5:06:55 PMMore mouths to feed means more spreading of diseases. This is a huge problem for me because I have a condition called Primary immune deficiency which if you don't know about it means that I was born without or with a very weak immune system. I'm the latter of the two I just said. So I know I'm quoting someone when I say this but - to every action their is an equal and opposite fact. Edit1: meant effect not fact.
We are close to cancer cure. World hunger is a huge issue
It takes months to years to die from cancer, you can starve to death in days to weeks.
The people you save from hunger could grow up to be scientists and find a cure for cancer.
None because -blam!- other people.
Cake for everyone!! :D
Isn't this from Saint's Row IV?
Th cure for cancer isn't a long way off, so world hunger