Hey, your beautifully gorgeous
10/10 compliment thanks ;)
Oh wow you are gorgeous
Thanks :*
Edited by Jedikins: 7/7/2015 2:31:57 AMAnytime its just the truth your beautiful. You have amazing eyes
Edited by HERETIC: 7/6/2015 2:21:17 AM10/10 [spoiler]>Sees 77 replies >Thinks it's a hot girl >Not disappointed[/spoiler]
Haha why thank you :))
Thank youuu
Yo are you single?
Wow pretty ;) I r8 u m8 8/8
Aw thank you
You strangely look like an old friend of mine.
Oh really lol
Don't talk to her anymore, though.
Sorry to hear that
Edited by Masshole: 6/27/2015 2:17:47 AMDon't be, kind of glad I don't.
Roses are red Violets are blue Sunflowers are yellow You thought these would rhyme but it's actually just gardening facts
Thank you for enlightening me
Don't mention it bby ;)
Hullo. How art thou?
Holaaaa, I'm good and you?
Alright I guess. You in need of a friendly forumhood therapist?
Uhhhh maybe? Haha