It's not shady. Any product that is out for a long enough period of time will eventually be offered at a discount. Everyone knows this. If the OP and others were really that concerned about the price, they would have waited to buy Destiny when it became a good deal, like in Sept. They didn't because they wanted to play it at release. They paid full price for that benefit, they got it, and that's that.
If you don't think $40 is a fair price for TTK, and there is nothing wrong with thinking so (personally I think it's steep even if I can afford it), then don't buy it. Wait until it inevitably drops in price. Or buy it now and complain later when it becomes cheaper and wail about it being a slap in the face. Sadly that's more likely.
Your way of think you really believe that what they did was shady no company in there right mind would ever lie to there fanbase and for that Ttk bundle shows that the two expansion were in fact 20 to 15 dollar content