I do think that we, year 1 players deserve more!
So here is my recommendation.
1. In the VIP Package, beside the Sparrow, Shader and the year 1 Emblem, also give out one Exotic Token
The Exotic Token can be exchanged with Xur for any exotic that you don't have.
2. Make it a little bit trickier to obtain old exotics (easy but requires some work). For example, when you get a rng exotic drops, make it so it drops as an bounty (similar across every exotic)
If it is a PvE Weapon:
You have to do 5000 kills with that weapon type and then exchange with Xur for 20 strange coins
If it is a PvP Weapon:
You have to kill 100 people (varies with weapon type) in the Crucible with that weapon type then exchange with Xur for 20 strange coins
Your opinion?
Bump if you agree.
Shameless self-bump