Yes, we do. And we understand that new players are essentially paying $20 for year 1 content (since TTK is worth 40 and they are getting it all for 60), while we paid $140. They are paying 7 times less, which is pretty unreasonable.
There is also the concept of a bulk purchase. TTK won't be valued at $40 in the bundle.
Okay, then that means the price of something is deprecating before it's even sold, based on BrickCityRiot's comment. That makes no sense.
Depreciation and bulk price purchasing can dovetail together. There is also the reality of how much value we derive from Destiny. If someone has played vanilla Destiny for 30-60 hours they've extract a lot of value out of it. Some of us have 100s or 1000 hours of play time. At that point there is no reason to complain about the price other people pay to try to follow in our footsteps.
As an accountant, don't throw depreciation out there. The word you're looking for is impairment. (Yes, this really bugs me.)
I knew depreciation didn't quite fit so thanks for that. Accounting was never my strong suit. I work in retail marketing and advertisement.
Thank you for saying this. I admit that it's a little off-putting, but it's really not [i]that[/i] bad. I can't believe it is even thought that TTK should be given away for free. They have obviously put hard work into creating it.
These kids think bungie owes them something lol. They don't owe any of us anything. If there were a debt, it would be ours for the hundreds of hours of entertainment they have given us at a fraction of the cost of a night out/going to the movies/pro sports tickets, etc (considering the cost as an hourly rate).
What they owe us is a f-ing story to the hollow game.
Right! There was a post I saw the other day. Someone gave the comparison of a movie ticket being about $12-15 for around 2 hours of entertainment. HoW is $20 and offers hours of entertainment. Everyone who plays has gotten more than their money's worth from one DLC alone!
I agree with you SubSandwich
Edited by Brick: 6/17/2015 5:02:38 AMWithout including the collectors edition of TTK that I ordered today (because, you know, I'm an adult and $80 isn't going to put a dent in my checking account) I have about 800 hours of play time on a $100 investment. That's $0.12/hour. [b]Twelve cents per hour![/b] Who in their right mind can bitch about such things??
Still overpriced for a videogame. (Compare it to something like Mass effect where you easily get 1000 hours for 40$ or Fire emblem awakening or Pokemon). But the new comers to Destiny who buy the legendary edition will pay the right price for Destiny.
No one does at all.
That or cost of consumption seem like foreign concepts to these kids.
Just the selfish gamer kiddos world we live in. Always gotta have more then each other!
The entitlement from kids nowadays is sickening...
No making people work 2-3 jobs to get by is sickening! Making student loan interest as high as it is is sickening! The education system is sickening! Entitlement as misplaced as it is is a step in the right direction.
I grew up playing games for the entertainment of it and the satisfaction of completing it. Now if kids aren't handed a toy at the end they cry. I blame mcdonalds happy meals!