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Edited by ProGamerSkill: 6/24/2015 1:43:51 PM

So, for $59.95 I get...

Everything I already own, [b]plus[/b] the [i]Taken King[/i] ... Or: Buy $59.95 for Destiny - original game Plus $39.95 for expansions I and II Plus $39.95 for The Taken King 'pre-order' -------------------wait for it------------------ That's $140 pretty much for the same thing as noobs can get for $60. Thanks Bungie. I've enjoyed your game. Seriously. It's a lot of fun. I'm not kidding. Check my hours played. More than most, I can assure you that. And, what's my thanks and appreciation for supporting your game along the way? Getting screwed over to the tune of more than [i][u][b]DOUBLE[/b][/u][/i] THE PRICE that someone will pay today. How the hell does this make sense? You should actually honour your most loyal customers with The Taken King as a [b][i][u]FREEBIE[/u][/i][/b], or at the very least , a [b][i]DEEP[/i][/b] Discount. (Maybe $15 instead of $20, but certainly not increase it to $40, that's just plain back-asswards). "Here you go guardian. As a token of our appreciation for sticking with us through the first year, for buying the base game, for getting the first two expansions (which may or may not have been disc-locked content), for playing through the glitches as a live feedback forum for our programming errors, for the buffs and the nerfs you've endured, for the lag and for the heavy ammo we took from you every time you spawned... We would like to present you, as a gift, Your own Edition of The Taken King. I'm not butt-hurt by what's been paid so far. I'm f-ing choked that a newb will get all that and more for $60.00, and that it will cost me another $40 on top of what's already been paid, just to keep up with the [b][i]BUNDLE-BABIES [/i][/b]of 2015. Should be $15 max (free preferred) for the players who already have all the prerequisites. [b][i][u]BUMP[/u][/i][/b] if you agree with even one part of this. --- out --- EDIT: Geezus. For those of you who agreed, thanks for understanding my point. For the rest, here's an example: You all have cell phones. If you don't, try to imagine having one. Buy the latest phone. Then pay for an upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Your buddy goes and buys the upgraded upgraded upgraded phone, [b]AND[/b] GETS THE ORIGINAL PHONE YOU PAID FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE GIVING TO HIM FOR FREE AS WELL... For [b][i][u]less than half the price too!![/u][/i][/b] and as a freaking bonus, he also gets [b][i][u]the charger, the headphones, the protective case and limited edition sticker to proudly display on the back of his Kia Soul as well !!!![/u][/i][/b] Does that help even one of you naysayers [i]get it?[/i] Edit 2: For those that say "Isn't this how all games do it?", the correct response is (I'll succumb to Godwin's Law for some of this I'm afraid): Did slavery come to an end? Did the holocaust come to an end? Did the USSR come to and end? Did the wall in Germany get torn down? Pick a metaphor... The choice should be your own. [b][i][u]Just because that's how it's always been done, simply does not 'de facto' make it right![/u][/i][/b] Edit 3: Your responses have been mixed. Fine. My post will not be all or end all. I appreciate what most of you had to say. For clarity I do not compare the edit 2 metaphors directly to this video game. But, to be offer a piece of advice to those who thought I meant something else: I believe that a company this big and profitable can do better than the companies that came before it. There will always be change. Who will do it first? Edit 4: You'll be impressed... I've listened and here is my last ( probably not) contribution to the argument: Bungie can rename the DLC to be $39.95 for the [b][i]DIGITAL BEND OVER EDITION*[/i][/b] for those of you who already have the original game and the first two expansions. We will send your guardian an in-game bottle of lube. It will be waiting for you in the special orders. * There will be no reach-arounds or discounts offered. Edit 5: Please stop buying next year's car at half of last year's pricing!! Edit 6: There were Alpha players There were Beta players Then came Day-1-ers We can call the next gen the 'Vets' Along comes Xmas Noobs Since then we've had a few Kinder-guardians But this latest generation will forever be known as: [b][i][u] THE BUNDLE- BABIES[/u][/i][/b] I do not take credit for this nickname, the original poster is down there, buried somewhere in the responses to this thread. Go ahead and find him/her, they deserve all the praise. If my post succeeds in nothing else... [b][i][u]BUNDLE-BABIES[/u][/i][/b] SHALL LIVE ON FOREVER!!!!! Edit 7: Strictly for your entertainment only: [b][i][u]EDIT 8:[/u][/i][/b] Looks like my rant was 'all' right on the mark. The failure on the price point. The failure in exclusive content. The failure on needing to rebuy items I already own. Many Thank to Eurogamer for taking the time to interview Luke Smith, and get to the bottom of all these inequities. We shall see what the weekly update holds for the year-one owners of the game. I bet it's not much!

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  • I got to know what a nightfall was at launch, now it's worthless. I got to experience what beating Atheon felt like, now its meh. I got to scream "fak yeah" when I killed Crota ... Wait nvm that one (maybe on hard) but you get the grip. I got to say "OMG I got an exotic!!!" Now it's like "meh I'm only missing 1 plus the dlc ones"... I saw iron banner, Suros back in his regime, and even the freaking loot cave! I got to curse my a$$ off when the cryptard gave me a blue on a purple engram I rushed like a maniac looking where the &@x@) was Xur hiding this time around I felt what not having a surplus of heavy ammo felt like, and what "we woken the hive" was like to farm for crap... Same for finding materials to upgrade weapons (curse you relic iron!!!) No matter how much discount the newcomers get, they won't get that... You got what you paid for, don't complain now

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    • Bump And they said they would reward loyal members, this is just giving them a giant middle finger

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      • If they tried to charge more than any other new release this game would be dead before Year 3. Their next goal is to get more people in Destiny and squeeze another $40 from them before September 2016. Right now any established players they can sucker another $40 from is just bank.

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      • Lets make a deal: I give you your money back, you reset your characters, you pay less for all three games, and as a bonus you also get: universal remote, an American shader, and a new dance. Enjoy.

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      • Its pretty shady not gonna lie :( its the only thing im sad about for The Taken King. But it could be worse i guess....idk.

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      • Edited by Kaph: 6/17/2015 12:12:40 AM
        Your reasoning is silly, for lack of a better word (not trying to insult you). You played their game for a year almost. You purchased the game + expansion packs at a fair $90, similar to COD, Halo, Borderlands, etc... So now, Bungie has new content; and there are these options (invested numbers are approximate): 1. People who bought the Vanilla game only $60 2. People who bought the game plus one expansion $80 3. People who bought the game plus season pass $90 4. People who have never played this game before $0 Keeping in mind that the expansion needs ALL prior game expansions to work properly, what are they to do? 1. Offer the expansion for $130 to new players to account for the price of the vanilla game? No, it wouldn't attract new players. 2. Offer the expansion for $100 to account for Destiny Vanilla plus TTK? Still too steep for a new game. 2. Offer the expansion plus vanilla game for $80 for everyone at the same price? No, because day one players would feel cheated to having to re-buy original content. 3. Offer the expansion at $40 for day one players, and $80 to attract new player-base? Seems like a good balanced option. Heck $80 is still steep for someone who's going to say: Well I can just wait for Halo, Uncharted, etc... so they are adding a few more perks for that new player base. No, it shouldn't be free to anyone regardless of loyalty. If you ate at Burger King everyday, do you expect them to feed you for free? Edit: For transparency, I am not planning to pre-order. I've been hyped three times before only to be disappointed. I'll wait for a full detailed review and forum readings before I make the plunge, but I am seriously considering just swapping over to Halo for an online character progression based game. I don't think Destiny will ever shy away from the RNG model and I can't stand it.

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      • bump af man

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      • Bump

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      • Bump

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      • Bump

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      • Bump

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      • I'm going to buy the collectors edition for the [b]collerctor's items[/b]. I already have the game, and the DLC's, but I'm all for new shaders, some cards, a strange coin, new emotes, and other things! I'll just give away the game to someone I know or to someone who is looking to get into Destiny.

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        • Freebie? I was reading along and when I saw that.... Pffff there goes anything you had to say because you are now a whiny kid, or lazy adult who just wants handouts.

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        • Well I bought the limited edition 100$ Now I'm going to buy the collectors edition c; 80$ so in total I'm Going to spend 200$

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          • How can u get it for $60?

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          • Erm mah gerd games get cheaper a year after release, erm mah gerd

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          • I didn't realize until the last few days how many clueless kids/teens play this game. I'm eternally grateful I have yet to run into any of you morons in game.

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          • You sound whiny, entitled and absolutely childish. Stay off the forums. Mute.

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            • bump[spoiler]bump[/spoiler]

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            • Edited by BobbyDigitalRZA: 6/16/2015 11:55:15 PM
              Your logic is flawed. Purchase a brand new car , go to the dealership a year later and ask the salesman why the same car you purchased A YEAR AGO is way cheaper than you purchased it for. So they can laugh at your question

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              • Bump

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              • Everything depreciates over time. EVERY company aims to make money, if you think a company is entirely based on their community, Then you're moronic. A freebie? Really?....

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              • I don't understand why people are complaining. Guarantee most of the people whining are still gonna buy it. I'm not complaining. I don't care about price.

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                • I guess they see playing destiny before the ttk noobs demands a premium price. At the least I think players that have played a certain amount of time, like from day one, should get a discount.

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                • Even it they don't come out with an option for long term players you can, Sell the duplicate part of the game (destiny, Dark Below, HouseOfWolves) but that would require common sense

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                • 1
                  only 14 days lol, i have 40 days lol, but yes i do agree with you. But on the other hand its buisness.

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