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Edited by ProGamerSkill: 6/24/2015 1:43:51 PM

So, for $59.95 I get...

Everything I already own, [b]plus[/b] the [i]Taken King[/i] ... Or: Buy $59.95 for Destiny - original game Plus $39.95 for expansions I and II Plus $39.95 for The Taken King 'pre-order' -------------------wait for it------------------ That's $140 pretty much for the same thing as noobs can get for $60. Thanks Bungie. I've enjoyed your game. Seriously. It's a lot of fun. I'm not kidding. Check my hours played. More than most, I can assure you that. And, what's my thanks and appreciation for supporting your game along the way? Getting screwed over to the tune of more than [i][u][b]DOUBLE[/b][/u][/i] THE PRICE that someone will pay today. How the hell does this make sense? You should actually honour your most loyal customers with The Taken King as a [b][i][u]FREEBIE[/u][/i][/b], or at the very least , a [b][i]DEEP[/i][/b] Discount. (Maybe $15 instead of $20, but certainly not increase it to $40, that's just plain back-asswards). "Here you go guardian. As a token of our appreciation for sticking with us through the first year, for buying the base game, for getting the first two expansions (which may or may not have been disc-locked content), for playing through the glitches as a live feedback forum for our programming errors, for the buffs and the nerfs you've endured, for the lag and for the heavy ammo we took from you every time you spawned... We would like to present you, as a gift, Your own Edition of The Taken King. I'm not butt-hurt by what's been paid so far. I'm f-ing choked that a newb will get all that and more for $60.00, and that it will cost me another $40 on top of what's already been paid, just to keep up with the [b][i]BUNDLE-BABIES [/i][/b]of 2015. Should be $15 max (free preferred) for the players who already have all the prerequisites. [b][i][u]BUMP[/u][/i][/b] if you agree with even one part of this. --- out --- EDIT: Geezus. For those of you who agreed, thanks for understanding my point. For the rest, here's an example: You all have cell phones. If you don't, try to imagine having one. Buy the latest phone. Then pay for an upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Your buddy goes and buys the upgraded upgraded upgraded phone, [b]AND[/b] GETS THE ORIGINAL PHONE YOU PAID FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE GIVING TO HIM FOR FREE AS WELL... For [b][i][u]less than half the price too!![/u][/i][/b] and as a freaking bonus, he also gets [b][i][u]the charger, the headphones, the protective case and limited edition sticker to proudly display on the back of his Kia Soul as well !!!![/u][/i][/b] Does that help even one of you naysayers [i]get it?[/i] Edit 2: For those that say "Isn't this how all games do it?", the correct response is (I'll succumb to Godwin's Law for some of this I'm afraid): Did slavery come to an end? Did the holocaust come to an end? Did the USSR come to and end? Did the wall in Germany get torn down? Pick a metaphor... The choice should be your own. [b][i][u]Just because that's how it's always been done, simply does not 'de facto' make it right![/u][/i][/b] Edit 3: Your responses have been mixed. Fine. My post will not be all or end all. I appreciate what most of you had to say. For clarity I do not compare the edit 2 metaphors directly to this video game. But, to be offer a piece of advice to those who thought I meant something else: I believe that a company this big and profitable can do better than the companies that came before it. There will always be change. Who will do it first? Edit 4: You'll be impressed... I've listened and here is my last ( probably not) contribution to the argument: Bungie can rename the DLC to be $39.95 for the [b][i]DIGITAL BEND OVER EDITION*[/i][/b] for those of you who already have the original game and the first two expansions. We will send your guardian an in-game bottle of lube. It will be waiting for you in the special orders. * There will be no reach-arounds or discounts offered. Edit 5: Please stop buying next year's car at half of last year's pricing!! Edit 6: There were Alpha players There were Beta players Then came Day-1-ers We can call the next gen the 'Vets' Along comes Xmas Noobs Since then we've had a few Kinder-guardians But this latest generation will forever be known as: [b][i][u] THE BUNDLE- BABIES[/u][/i][/b] I do not take credit for this nickname, the original poster is down there, buried somewhere in the responses to this thread. Go ahead and find him/her, they deserve all the praise. If my post succeeds in nothing else... [b][i][u]BUNDLE-BABIES[/u][/i][/b] SHALL LIVE ON FOREVER!!!!! Edit 7: Strictly for your entertainment only: [b][i][u]EDIT 8:[/u][/i][/b] Looks like my rant was 'all' right on the mark. The failure on the price point. The failure in exclusive content. The failure on needing to rebuy items I already own. Many Thank to Eurogamer for taking the time to interview Luke Smith, and get to the bottom of all these inequities. We shall see what the weekly update holds for the year-one owners of the game. I bet it's not much!

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  • it is annoying how people get things cheaper than other people

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  • Borderlands 2 day one = $60 Season pass = $50 $110 for both. Borderlands TPS day one = $60 Season pass = $30 $90 for both All together it is $200 Now you can get EVERYTHING as in BOTH games and ALL the DLC for $60. That is how economics work. As shit gets older, it starts to lose value and drops in price to encourage sales. By your logic I should be compensated $140 because I bought everything day one.

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    55 Replies
    • Are you seriously comparing holocaust and slavery to a regular price drop after a prodict has been on a market some time?...

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    • Does no one understand depreciation?

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      19 Replies
      • What is actually wrong with people? The game will have been out over a year when this DLC drops, the game and the add ons aren't going to be release price are they? I don't see what the problem is really it's bringing more people into the game, More community is only going to make the game better, Plus if it means that much to you why don't you just pay the extra and get all the stuff with the legendary bundle? Just be grateful you aren't in the U.K were we are well and truly getting shafted.

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      • Edited by kiwiananqld: 6/17/2015 9:16:47 AM
        agree even with the game being out for a while regardless us long term players should be rewarded not knifed in the back once again it sucks how noobs get a free ride as for us long term players have grinded to get where we are today.

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      • Tipp: - Sell your copy for 15-20bucks - Buy the new version for 60bucks - Sell the codes for the first two expansions for 15-20bucks Now you'll have The Taken King and the newbie-extras for around 20-30bucks.

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      • Lol, you obviously are clueless and ignorant about depreciation. A game is a liability... Actually, its simply an expense... When you buy a car for lets say 30000$..would you get pissed of if a year later, some **noob** buys the same model car for less? I mean I dont get punks like you, ok you paid 100$ bucks... You said it yourself, you have hundreds of hours of entertainment out of it... Why are u complaining... Needy little spoiled brat.

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        4 Replies
        • Bump

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        • Edited by SpartanUmaw: 6/17/2015 2:28:07 AM
          Bump. Since the beta I've been a loyal fan, I even picked up 2 copies and 2 season passes so my younger brother could play with me as well. I can assure you Bungie that if TTK isn't given to the day 1 or collectors edition at a discounted price I will drop this game entirely. $25 seems like a fair price for your loyal fans, a penny more and I'm gone.

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          • Edited by Qwerty: 6/17/2015 8:40:38 AM
            This is kind of like seeing a level 22 in the bottom of the Crucible get a Gjallarhorn. Rather than be happy for their awesome luck to start off the game, you are furious that they got what took you more.

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            7 Replies
            • Games go down in price this is not new I can't believe all the whiners on these damn forums seen this post 100 times today and tried not saying anything you go to play the game an entire year before those people this is a good way to get new guardians into destiny this is how the world and business works guess you should have waited until this year to start playing

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              • Just as a clarification, if I go buy a phone with my upgrade, and then buy another phone with my next upgrade 2 years later, and then buy another phone with the next upgrade 2 more years later. Guess what's going to happen? My friend who uses an upgrade will get the upgraded upgraded phone [i]for the same price[/i] how is it his fault he waited? Spend your $40 on the taken king dlc and get over it. You chose to buy the dlc's as soon as they dropped. Hell I just bought borderlands the handsome collection not too long ago and guess what? I paid $50 for the game and all the 15 DLC's. I wonder what would have happened if i bought borderlands 2 when it came out and then bought the dlc's as they dropped? Oh that's right I would have spent a ton of money to play the content as soon as it drops. I'm not sure how most of you people making these posts don't understand this concept.

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              • These posts are so idiotic and popping up more frequently than the typical "nerf thorn" and "where is my gjally?" posts.

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                • Well you started rambling in your edits... BUUUUUUT !!!!!! I honestly want to meet the man who thought it would be a good idea to release an edition of a game that included, not only two dlc's which were 1/3 the price of the game, but a large expansion that is currently priced at 2/3 the original game - all at the original game price... BEFORE THE EXPANSION IS EVEN RELEASED. They're just asking to have loyal fans never play the game again. I get that goty editions and such are released after the studio is done with the game, but seriously.... Before the expansion is even released? And the collectors edition has stuff original game and dlc buyers can't get? Come on, now.

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                • Bump

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                • It shouldn't be free but at the very least all the bonus stuff in the collectors edition should be made available to others.

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                • I bought Destiny for 10€ at Wallapop, bought the expansion for 30€ because i buyed a buyed a 35€ italian code for 30 in sale. That's 40€ for all that hours I played, I still have 35.01 In my account ( because i forgotten to buy BF Premium for 28€) so i just have to pay 5€ more and I will have big content I'm not sad about it, buf if this DLC doesn't come whit 2 raids I'm not buying it.

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                • Oh man these posts are getting so old...

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                  • They need to add more for those who've already own the game and 2 DLC. Sadly they need to keep the costs low to attract new buyers.

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                  • It should be cheaper for people who have been here. I agree with you but, I think $20 for everyone who has bought all content to date is fair considering we're supporting the majority of the game. This price is to try and bring new players in at a fraction of the cost then turn them into supporting players. Honestly, I paid $20for tdb and how because there was supposed to be raids. That price was worth it to me if we got those raids. Looking back those dlc were so small it really shoulda been a $10 dlc and $20 for the taken king. That way I don't think people would be having a fit over it. We're paying more to stay updated with the content. I don't think this is right however, as long as people continue to preorder content they're able to charge whatever they want. Let's be honest we all knew this was going to get bundled at this point to try and recruit new players and it was going to be cheap as hell compared to what we paid all along. I saw numerous articles on it. It shouldn't be a surprise, however, it is seriously disappointing considering we've basically been playing a beta version of the game that still lacks weapon balancing, proper lag compensation, constant connection issues, and game breaking glitches within end game content just to name a few. I do enjoy playing this game I'm just saying looking at what I've paid I'm a little disappointed with some of the dlc and hurdles they've interlaced into dlc thus far to keep players grinding. If all this content was released with the game on launch I think we all would have had a much nicer experience, a little less grinding, and they would have patched things much more quickly and efficiently. Rather then implementing half assed patches that people find new glitches to (crota raid) and leaving weapon balancing in shambles for pvp.

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                    2 Replies
                    • GOTY editions are a standard practice in the industry and have been for years. Stop being an idiot.

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                      3 Replies
                      • Your analogy is -blam!-ing stupid! Get a grip and get a job

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                      • I pre ordered ghost edition, played since the first day, in the least id like to get the digital content included in the taken king collectors edition if i purchase the taken king.

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                      • Pretend I'm a new player to destiny. Why the -blam!- would I pay 140 dollars to play a damn game that's a year old? Hell no. I'm gonna go play battlefront 3.

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                        • The difference is time. They're selling a year old game with old outdated dlc and one new dlc. It's still too little in perspective, but still

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