originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*As you slash the dremora I twist the weapon, spiraling your leg and tipping you off balance. I roll over and slash your legs, then backflip and blasts you with daedric shards.*
*the aura armor seem wekaened btu manages to abrobs most damage* I am sick of your summonings.... *a hellrift opens on the groudn and i hop inisde as it closes* *another opens behind you ansdi instantly chargfe out of it grbas you with the guanlets form the neck and start cruhsing*
*I cast a bound sword and slam it into your chest.*
*the aura armor breaks but blocks the sword* *crushes your neck with more strnhg tevery second* The strnght of a bears jaw. enhance by Iron,. and my won strnght. how much rpesure cna your neck stnad? *prepares tos wing his blade into a decapuccino*
*Reinforces bound armor and activates overload.* *I unleash overload on your hands, temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun scorch them.*
*the gunalet heats btu deosnt melt* eat up! *slashes at your neck whiel holding you* *you are hit by the non sharpened side* ouve done well. i dont want to killy ou its jsut a test after all. *places you on the ground* well you are accepted!
*Rubs neck.* "Nice fight, I need to get stronger." So do you guys have a group?
yes we do illg et someone to invite you.