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6/16/2015 7:07:37 PM

Crucible/Trials of Osiris help!!

Ok, I fare well enough in IB, but in ToO I get annihilated on a regular. I'm not maxed out yet (33 Hunter with decent weapon loadout, TLW, Invective, Bad Juju, DreamWaker, P&T....) so I get that I need to get my light level up to level 34. But I seriously doubt that's all I'm doing wrong, especially when I get handled by 32's!! I would genuinely appreciate any helpful tips so that I can actually compete in ToO aside from being a bullet sponge and occasional reviver. I always feel like I'm not contributing to my team's effort and I don't want to be that guy!!!! If someone has the patience it would be really great to jump into some crucible matches and get some live pointers! Please message me if you are able to help me out or just drop some tips here. I normally play late night mountain standard time. [xbox1, kevlo16] Thanks for any help!

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