originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
(left mech) Call dwon. Mojnir. he might just be itnerested.
*hte left mech palcestis Woudl be hands in front and talks ot the creature* Hey there buddy. i am rick but mates call me Valkerye for my mech. what your name?
[i]A large, scarred head emerges from the trees, missing its left eye. The animal looks old and experienced...[/i]
(valkyrie) hey there. odnt worry.. i studied enoguht biology.... *opens the plto cabin, a medium built AIMC trooper wth a badass bearhopes out, and leaves a peice of meat ont he ground* its yours, Nate will share his. *hops bakc in his mech* (mojnir) I WONT!
[i]It reluctantly moves forward, and gulps down the piece of meat. It walks towards you slowly.[/i]
[spoiler]not me the Mercs :P i am on the base likely smoking or doing somehtign unproductive [/spoiler] (valkyrie) i think he lieks eme Nate!
[spoiler]ah yes. The rex is related to Venom Inc.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]the Mech piltos are AIMC vets :P[/spoiler]
*chris Pratt appears*
[spoiler]lol I saw that yesterday. Good movie.[/spoiler] [i]It simply stares, and looks at him dumbfoundedly.[/i]
[spoiler]chris Pratt is now a canon official character lol[/spoiler] *Chris Pratt majestically matches the gaze*
[spoiler]lol[/spoiler] [i]It continues to stare.[/i]
[spoiler]fokin Mexican stare off right here[/spoiler]