He looks at you with a "really dude, fine hazel, my eyes are hazel. Happy?"
Really? When I passed you in the hall earlier, they were pure blue.
Now he raises an eyebrow "Earlier I was wearing sunglasses, how could you see what color my eyes were?" [spoiler]he's telling the truth[/spoiler]
Sunglasses? Indoors? In the hallway where the lights were [i]never[/i] on?
He gets out his 'sunglasses' and you recognize the Standard issue HUD system that the grunts call Sunglasses if they don't speak Japanese. "They aren't actually sunglasses man it's the HUD you would have them too if you didn't have that badass armor."
[b]shoots gun an inch past his ear[/b]
He looks at you and then at were you shot. "What gives man?" Evidently another guard heard the shot and came running down the hallway. (Guard two) "what the hell is going on here?"
We have a man KIA down the hall and at least two enemies running around down here. [b]looks at the guard from before[/b] Next time, remember all the code words for "theres something behind you."
The first guard looks visibly embarrassed and the second raises the alarm. (Guard 2) "well they are probably after the Metal gea- I mean the super mech that isn't trade marked."
They won't be going very far with it even if they get through the door
"Well then we should probably go and get them then." The two start to move toward the doorway.
[b]goes the opposite way[/b]
They enter the doorway and a gunshot is heard.
[b]door shuts before I can run in and screams are heard on the other side[/b]