I think a match made hoard mode with a larger lobby than six that replays the Battle of Twilight Gap would be fun. Defending against waves and waves of fallen or any other enemy type with fellow guardians would be a super great time. It'll need some building on but I think this could become a thing in destiny. Pls give me feedback on this
Battle for your Mom's gap.
Oh yes, just what we need is another creative horde mode. Smh at the preteens. : rolleyes;
This sounds like something I was thinking called: Tower Invasion or something a little less cheesy and obvious where basically the city (or tower) comes under surprise attack and all the Guadians there must band together to fend off hoards of enemies. My dream come true would be like Spider tanks crawling u the tower raising hell and you can actually shoot them down with your ships apparently decorative weapons.
I'd play
Sounds good, I'd play it. :) It could be a playlist with each mission having different objectives, locations, and enemy types on or around the Wall.
You could add some story behind it like it was just another day and you were flying back to the tower on your ship when you got shot down by a Fallen Skiff. Now your stuck outside the wall to defend a surprise invasion. DUN DUN DUN
Great idea! Love this.