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Edited by XoXJulietteXoX: 6/15/2015 4:33:30 AM

Report me??? Ashes to Asset

I've been using Ashes to Asset for over a month due to [u]IRON BANNER GEAR. Go look at my Hunter[/u]. You people who only complain are so useless in the world, grow up. [b]This gear is intended to be used in this game.[/b] [i]If you don't like it, then take 1 of your 3 Titans and make a Hunter so you can use the cool perks[/i]. [b]I'M NOT GOING TO DELETE MY IRON BANNER GEAR BECAUSE YOU SCRUBS DIDN'T GET IT LAST MONTH. [/b] [spoiler] Btw, what am i playing? Patrol. By myself. Did i play trials today? Nope. Did i play only a few trials on my hunter yesterday? Yes, but as BLADE DANCER. Gtfo here. [b]Did you Get more than 1 ether chest when we were able to exploit the game and grab up to 4?[/b][/spoiler]

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  • Its only natural that if you suck at something and you find a way to not suck at it, you would do it. Regarless of it being unfair. Sucks but its true. I hardly ever play PVP , But hey Bungie just gave me an exotic shard. I was keeping those gauntlets just cuz they were decent for PVE when i needed my super, its was definetly not as fast as these videos ive been seeing, it was okay. I actually didnt even find out about the glitch untill just a few hours ago. Now ive tested them out to see if they still were the way they were normally and sadly one shot from my scout rifle gives me more super energy when i kill a dreg VS me using the perk any of my grenades. So they pretty much made the perk not existenct. Oh well. I use my Khepri's Sting anyways. Sorry to everyone who got the trails experience tainted by a bug that was of course going to be exploited.. i would call you people humans if it wasnt exploited.

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  • Calm down dear.

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    • Edited by Are You Okay: 6/15/2015 4:15:40 AM
      The helmet isn't the issue. If someone is using a helmet and swarm I wouldn't care at all. [b]It's using the Young Ahamkaras Spine with an Assets helm.[/b] People only use this gloves to exploit the perk by stacking this. You are intentionally exploiting when you have the gloves on with a helm and swarm. There is no other reason for this combo of 3 things except to exploit the perk. It's a VERY specific build made just to exploit a bug. You have this setup so you are just a scummy player with no honor. In regular PVP it's not so bad, people are having fun. In Trials you are breaking the game just to ruin someone else's efforts and that is competitive griefing at its finest.

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      5 Replies
      • [b][u][i]TEEEEEAAAAAARRRRRSSSSS!!![/i][/u][/b]

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      • It was supposed to be super energy on kill anyway. Just Swarm grenades and Scatter grenades glitched it each grenade counted as a kill and gave super energy.

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      • Why are you cryin? the hot fix notes already addressed this....

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        6 Replies
        • Comparing PvE cheating to PvP cheating is like comparing killing video game AI to killing someone IRL

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        • I think if you don't depend on it to win games then you won't even notice it when they patch it on Tuesday. I doubt anyone will get banned, but there is no way Bungie will let this carry over to next weeks Trials. Watch this video. Fast forward to 2:00. A super in round one of Trials. That clearly brakes the game. Getting a super that fast gives a unfair advantage to that player, and his/her team. What's the point of wasting time on a Trials card if you may run into a player at 7-0, 8-0 that hits you with a super in almost every round? I know E3 is going on right now. But at the very least they should have deactivated that perk till they fixed the problem. Like they did with the blackhammer. But like I said, if you aren't one of these players abusing this, you likely won't even notice when it's gone. But people are clearly abusing this right now to win games in Trials.

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          6 Replies
          • The key term is KILL an enemy with a grenade. The perk description isn't "builds a metric dick ton of super energy for every time you even hit someone with a grenade"

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            • "'Ashes to Assets’ and ‘Quintessence Transfer’ can now no longer be stacked " It was not Ashes to ashes or Quintessence Transfer being the problem. It was when they were combined the perks would stack. No one is taking your helmet away.

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            • Too late, AtA has been officially nerfed. :(

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            • Ya but I guarantee you haven't always used swarm grenades lmfao unless you're truly trash, I watched the YouTube video you linked below and all you did was go invis with a shotgun, you're actually one of the worst players I've ever seen, post a rumble gameplay using only the last word

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              • It's a glitch... You use it for an unfair advantage... But bad players need a crutch I guess

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                21 Replies
                • I laugh when they say they are gonna report me. Like you are seriously reporting me for using armour and a grenade.

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                  • Edited by immortal_axe: 6/15/2015 3:50:39 AM
                    You do realize this "exploit" only works with a helm with ashes to assets along with ahamkra gauntlets. Thats the exploit not the helmet

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                    • It's an exploit in the game. Not a glitch. Not cheating. Not a banable offence. The fact that it doesn't work the way it's intended is on Bungie. Fix your shit and stop banning people. There's way worse problems in the game than this one...

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                    • Edited by o HULK SMASH o: 6/15/2015 3:49:51 AM
                      "Please please I need attention"- thread. . . nobody cares.... Edit: bungie is gonna fix it and nobody will care about ur precious whatever what ... Chillax....

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                    • I mean it's a glitch Not cheating really but since most of these kids go Helen Keller when they see a trip mine and walk into it, they're going to scream and slit their wrists until it's nerfed In all my 40 some games of trials I only got suckered by a swarm grenade that I confused for my team mates It's a glitch because the perk is supposed to be [b]AFTER A KILL[/b] not after damage But come on this isn't thorn level scrubness or bullshit. Don't walk into the grenade, or simply run away, you can out run the swarm you know?

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                      2 Replies
                      • it so easy to get away from the swarm grenade that i dont find it to be a problem. Went up against players trying to do this "glitch" and laughed as their swarm just hung in the air

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                        3 Replies
                        • someone wanna fill me in? OP's seems so out of context compared to the comments. Everyone's mad for a helmet having a certain perk?

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                          • Any helmet can have the perk, doesn't matter if it's IB or not

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                          • Do you just need one piece of armor with the perk, or two. I want to try this with nighthawk in pve

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                          • You only use the glitch if you also use swarm grenades

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                            2 Replies
                            • Cant get reported for using in game gear as given, although it works improperly.

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                              4 Replies
                              • Actually no it is not intended to do this . The gear says replenish super with grenade kill not hits. There for its a glitch and you should be reported

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                                14 Replies
                                • Edited by turbtators: 6/15/2015 2:51:20 AM
                                  We ran into a team with a guy trying this cheap tactic. Needless to say I sniped him in the forehead while he attempted to revive his teamate and tbagged him for our 5th win in trials.

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