originally posted in:DoDBrotherhood2
Hello, I'm a dad of two from Suffolk. One son - a level 34 Titan and one daughter - Level 12 Hunter. I'm a level 33 Warlock. I've never done the raids etc and am really only at level 33 due to pure grind rather than raw talent!
I mostly play afternoon/evening during weekdays, I start and finish work early, and almost any time at weekends.
Please feel free to friend me as I figured it'd make more sense to say when I'm on and let peeps add me rather than try to friend everyone and never be online at the same time as half.
PSN ID - vlad2201
Welcome Vlad! We are bunch of people in similar boats, so you'll feel at home. Just make friends, check and join game plays. You can schedule game play and invite/wait for people to join games using https://www.the100.io/groups/966. Do become a member there. Also, the earlier group 'DoD Botherhood' also has quite a number of very active players. Join that group as well to listen in on chatter (Group Wall is where to put your ears), if you wish. Feel free to add me, though I am on IST but we may bump into each other some days/nights. - ServerHead