You must bring a matchbox car of at least 2 Australian dollars(To lazy to convert to USD) We will have cake and go kangaroo riding and Play laser tag and end it with a video game contest. Males will be allowed to spend the night but Females need to go home after 9:00. We will leave at 1:00 the next day. We can stay up all night if we want to but we have to be quiet so Joey my Kangaroo can rest.
We can sleep in my treehouse as well if you want too
Edit: You can bring hot wheels just no modding them with rocket parts
Edit 2: Party Favor bags come with baby kangaroos
Edit:3 We also have Board and Card Games
I'll crash it with 12 kegs of beer, 11 crates of spirits, 10 ounces of marijuana, 9 pre-paid hookers, 8 ounces of cocaine, 7 buses of drunks, 6 ounces of mdma, 5 gold cock rings, 4 indoor quad bikes, 3 hot tub time machines, 2 mud wrestling babes and 1 rocking thrash metal band. See you soon! :P