Will now be the only thing you can eat for the rest of your life.
How screwed are you?
I already eat it almost daily anyways
A breakfast sandwich from my breakfast sandwich maker... Can I use different meats and cheeses or am I stuck with the provolone- Canadian bacon combo?
Peanut MNMs
Burger [spoiler]no[/spoiler]
Veggie dogs and gluten free pretzels. I'm not gonna last very long.
Human flesh
I ate your mom for my last meal
Pizza! :D [i]two weeks later...[/i] Ugh. Pizza again? The good part with pizza is you can put anything on it
Strawberry shortcake, and milk.
Pita chips.... NOOO
Cheese baked rice with chicken, ohbby ;3
[b][u]300TH POST[/u][/b]
Breaded chicken, Apple, chocolate muffin, and water. I'm good.
I'd be fine with grilled chicken, boiled broccoli, and potato salad. yum
Doing Hard mode Crota I'm a level 34 Titan with ghally Message me for an invite Gt is Scrub Lord
I was at a HUGE party and there was everything! [quote]#Blessed[/quote]
Pizza. I'm gonna get fat.....
Waffles, lemonade and cheez-its. Could be worse.
Mcdonalds Im ok with this
Chicken Dinner, Im fine
Beef Jerky. I'm cool with that.
Orange chicken and rice. Shit i hate orange chicken
Taco Bell
A creampuff..