[quote]1. You're in a Destiny forum, everybody on here is going to say ESO didn't kill Destiny
2.You're in a Destiny forum, everybody on here is going to say ESO didn't kill Destiny
And 3. You're in a Destiny forum, everybody on here is going to say ESO didn't kill Destiny[/quote]
4) Because there are still people playing and defending Destiny, it's not dead.
[quote][quote]1. You're in a Destiny forum, everybody on here is going to say ESO didn't kill Destiny 2.You're in a Destiny forum, everybody on here is going to say ESO didn't kill Destiny And 3. You're in a Destiny forum, everybody on here is going to say ESO didn't kill Destiny[/quote] And: 4) Because there are still people playing and defending Destiny, it's not dead.[/quote] Destiny isnt dead. Its just not new. HoW brought me back for 1.5 months. But I am already bored with it.
Well destiny is dead on ps3. Cannot find fireteams on lfg sites. Only 2-3 per hour and if the teams suck you lost a good 2 hours finding the right ppl. I so not wanna buy the expensive ps4 only to play destiny imo
Complaining about a game being dead on an outdated system. Tsk tsk
Yea its sad i know but if the PS4 is compatible with ps3 games i would trade in my ps3 for a discount. Still love my metal gear solid collection ;)